You, Zach Herron

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"Unless you study, you're going to fail, Herron," I laughed as I gathered my books as the bell rang and filled my backpack with them.

"Will you teach me, then?" he asked, smug smirk lingering on his lips. I sighed and playfully rolled my eyes; I couldn't let him know I had been dying to get a moment alone with him for months. I was trying to think of a way to agree yet not make it obvious or sound desperate but apparently I took to long because he beat me to it:

"I'll take that as a yes. I'll come over at 7," he said. Before I could even process what was happening, he walked out of the classroom with the rest of his friends.

The anxiety didn't kick in until 6 p.m. I didn't know what to wear, I had to clean and tidy up my  place and how does he even know where I live? I heard the bell ringing. How is this happening? I barely know the guy, it's not like we're exactly friends and I don't even have the skills to properly-

"Open up, y/n, it's freezing out here,"

Well, this is it. I've waited for this for quite some time now, I shouldn't be nervous. I opened the door for him and he walked in quickly.

"God, why'd you make me wait so long? I swear I almost die out there," he exaggerated.

"Sorry, I was just-"

"So, why don't you show me your room?" he asked, cutting me off.

"Well, I was actually hoping we could study down here in the living room..." I started. He didn't seem too fond of the idea.

"I'd much rather go upstairs, if you don't mind," he said, looking around the house. He moved around like he had been there thousands of times; although he hadn't.

"I would mind, actually," I thought.

"Uh, sure," I replied. Why do I always comply to everything he says?

He was already starting to walk up the stairs when I realized that there was nothing to be afraid of. After all, we were just kids. What's the worst thing that could happen? We would talk and revise for a bit and then he'd leave and go home.

When we got to the top of the stairs, he got to my room and immediately sat on my bed.

"So," he crossed his arms over his chest, "what are we doing?"

"Uhm... studying so that you pass your exams?" I answered.

"Oh, come on, did you really think I'd come all the way here only to study?" he looked at me like I was the dumbest person on Earth.

I looked back at him like he was the dumbest person on Earth.

"So, what are we doing?" I was confused.

"I thought maybe we could... get to know each other?" he said, with a rather unusual attitude for the time being. All his confidence seemed to have vanished, the cocky Herron wasn't there anymore. It felt weird, but rewarding. He wasn't intimidating or sarcastic.

"Sure," I was up for a challenge. I sat next to him on my bed and crossed my legs over so as to be looking at him only, "what do you want to know?"

He looked like he was going to say something, until he regretted it and changed his mind.

"W-what's your favourite food?" he asked. I started laughing in disbelief.

"That's the question you're choosing to ask me to get to know me better?" my eyes were wide open and a smile was ligering on my lips. He looked strangely concerned.

"What's the matter?" I asked, "are you okay?"

"Yes, I just..." he made a long dramatic pause and I was waiting for his response on the edge of my seat. At first I thought it was one of his many iconic pranks he was pulling on me, but I sensed something was off, and it was serious this time.

"Y/N, I think I like you," he blurted.

I thought he was joking. He wasn't being serious, I mean, how could he like me? Me? Out of everybody? We don't even know each other that well. I wasn't nervous or freaking out, I just did not believe he was telling the truth.

"No, you don't," I replied. "Why are you lying to me?"

"I'm not lying to you, Y/N. I don't believe it either, but everytime I'm with you i just feel some type of way..." he was looking down, as if he was embarrassed about what he was going to say. I had never seen him so vulnerable and exposed, he seemed weak for the first time.

"I just feel like I like everything about you and I can't stop thinking about you. I get butterflies in my stomach when I talk to you and I can't help it but I get this urge of just wanting to hold you and protect you... I-I know it sounds weird and you probaly think I'm crazy right now but I really needed to get that out there, I can't keep hiding it anymore," he said.

I don't think I had ever listened to him say that many words alltogether in such short period of time, ever. I was astonished. I mean, what are you supposed to reply to something like that? Nothing I could ever think of to say could top that off. Although I felt rather embarrassed, I was comfortable. His words really made me feel wanted, and he seemed like he meant it.

I took a deep breath and started, "Zach, I don't-"

"I know, I know. You don't feel the same and that's okay, but I just needed to let you know because otherwise it would have just-," his voice got quieter until it came to a halt as I slowly came closer to him. We were facing each other, I was breathing heavily. I didn't know how to act, how to make "the first move". It was embarrassing and humiliating to me to do such a thing, but I did it anyway. I started to lean forward and couldn't stop staring at his lips. He had ran out of words, barely, but he didn't move an inch from his spot. He moved his stare from his lap to my eyes, and from my eyes to my red lips.

"-haunted me," he only just finished his sentence. He sighed. It took a lot of courage, but I finally leaned in and softly connected my lips with his. We closed our eyes, our mouths moved in sync adn he placed is right hand on my cheek, pulled me in closer. I thought I was going to be bad at it; kissing, I mean. But as it turns out, once you're in the moment, everything else just blurs away and your body just naturally takes over. Nothing really matters or exists anymore, it's just you and that person. Me and Zach.

We pulled away and I took a deep breath in. It didn't feel real, any part of it. I didn't know what to do next, it was supposed to feel awkward but it didn't, I thought I was going to feel nervous but I didn't and what was he thinking about at that moment? What would my parents think? My classmates? I was calm but stressed out at the time and for a second everything that seemed exciting 5 minutes ago, was now tumbling down.

"I think I might just be in love with you, Y/N," he stated, staring into my eyes. I knew I didn't believe him, but not because of something he had done, but because I didn't believe anyone would truly be able to love anything about me besides my parents, who only did it because it was mandatory.  I truly could not convince myself that anything about my personality was worth caring for. But Zach's words felt real; he meant it. I could see it in his eyes that he really meant not harm and that's why I liked him. I realized he made me feel secure and wanted and loved. How often do you get that feeling? I needed to tell him that I loved him back, I needed him to stay.

"I think I might be in love with you, too," I replied quietly. I started smiling but only after he did. He laid down on my bed and I laid down next to him. After a few moments of silence, he turned his head over to look at me and he smiled at me with warm eyes. He extended his arm over my head, silently inviting me to lay on his chest, so I did. I was hesitant and careful; I still wanted to keep my distance in case he changed his mind and decided he didn't really feel that was about me. I wasn't conviced, but I needed to keep feeling like I was loved by someone for a little bit longer, even if it was a short while, for the sake of my mental health. He hugged me and slowly rubbed my back with his hand. He kissed the top of my forehead and closed his eyes until we both fell asleep.


Author's note: cute but kind of sad ?? Why did it turn out so depressing lol

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