Making up, Zach Herron

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On this particular day, you and your boyfriend, Zach, may have had one of your very rare arguments, but as was always the case when you did, it only took the two of you a matter of minutes afterwards to make up. As much as you hated arguing, you always loved this time, not only for the rough, heavenly make up sex which would come that night, but also because of how adorable and affectionate the two fo you were after an argument, both of you were reminded of how lucky you were to have the other.

"Hey, I'm really sorry," he said guiltily after softly knocking on the living room door as you sat on the sofa with your chin resting in your hand, debating whether now was the right time to go an apologies. "I can't even remember what we were arguing about anymore to be honest. Can we put it in the past and move on from it?"

"Of course we can," you replied affectionately, a wide smile suddenly spreading across your lips as you rose to your feet and made your way over to Zach. "I can't remember either."

He wrapped his arms tightly around you as you nestled your head into the crook of his neck. You let out a sigh of contentment as Zach began to soothingly run his fingers through your hair.

"I love you," he spoke up, muffling his words into your hair as he broke the blissful silence that you found yourselves in whilst melting into the other's loving embrace.

"I love you more," you replied warmly, lifting your head up to gaze up at Zach in adoration.

He then pressed a gentle peck to your lips before leading you out of the living room with an arm wrapped around your shoulders. You also wrapped an arm around him as the two of you began to make your way upstairs. You allowed Zach to guide you into your bedroom. He flopped you onto your bed on his back once the door had been closed behind you.

"I just want a cuddle," he said sweetly as you were making your way around your side of the bed.

Silence once again fell upon you both as you wrapped your arms tightly around each other. You laid on your side and snuggled your head into Zach's chest whilst he was still laying on his back, looking down at you lovingly with a broad smile. You stayed like this for a long time, but you eventually decided that you wanted there to be even more contact between you. You straddled Zach and began to trail kisses from his waist and up to his chest.

"Stop! That tickles!" Zach chuckled once your lips had reached his chest. He didn't seem to want to stop because he tightened his arms around you as he spoke.

Instead of stopping, your kisses just got rougher in an attempt for Zach to no longer feel that ticklish sensation. Your lips continued to travel up Zach's body and you tenderly sucked on the skin on his neck, before your lips met. The two of you shared a lengthy kiss, one which may have been gently, but was still overflowing with passion. Amidst the kiss, your lips parted for a brief moment as you beamed at each other, before they quickly connected once again because both of you wanted more than to make up for your argument.

"I know we normally wait until we've gone to bed, but how about I show you just how sorry I am now?" Zach muttered into your ear seductively once the kiss was over.

"Sounds good to me," you replied affectionately, before the two of you turned the lights off and had one of the most pleasurable times which you had ever experienced.


A.N.: Hope you're enjoying the book so far!! Thank you for reading. Please vote <3

Much love x

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