What's wrong?, Jonah Marais

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I was laying on my couch, watching TV when I heard the door open.

"Hey babe," I greeted my boyfriend of 4 months, Chad. I had a smile on my face, but it soon faded once I noticed he took too long to reply. As a matter of fact, he didn't even look at me. I followed his every move with my gaze.

He took off his coat, left his keys on the counter and walked across the living room and into our bedroom without even speaking to me. It was unusual, for him not to show any affection at all, specially after such a long day and coming home from work. Not even a word? Something was up but how am I supposed to bring it up? Did I do something wrong? Every time I point out that something's off, he gets mad at me for the rest of the night. After thinking it through, I decided to go up to him and confront him about it. I needed an answer, otherwise it wouldn't be fair. Besides, it couldn't be that bad, could it? We could find a way to talk it out and solve it; or so I thought at the time.

"Honey?" I walked cautiously until I found him on his phone. "Is something wrong?" I asked. He huffed and rolled his eyes, "It's nothing."

I opened my eyes in confusion and blinked a few times, does he really expect me to believe nothing's going on? It's been a few months since his attitude has been off and at first I ignored it, thinking it would go away soon but I don't have a good feeling about it anymore.

"I know something is up, Chad, I can see it in your behavior everyday," I stated. "I'm not going to ignore it and pretend nothing's going on anymore, I want to make sure you're okay; so what's wrong?"

He sighed and turned around in his place to fully look at me. "I already told you nothing's wrong, Y/N. Stop bothering me," he said. I wasn't taking it anymore. Isn't communication rule number 1 in relationships?

"I know it can't be 'nothing', Chad. I've known you since forever and I'm not stupid. I'm tired of you hiding things from me. Just tell me so we can figure it out!" I yelled. All of a sudden I was standing up in front of him, throwing my arms around so as to make a point.

"I don't love you anymore!" he said. As the words came out of his mouth, realization hit me and tears started to come out of my eyes. I can't say I didn't see it coming, but it still hurt; a lot. I was taken aback by the news and all of the anger I had 2 minutes ago turned into pain and sadness, betrayal, even.

"W-what?" I asked, still in shock.

"I said I'm not in love with you anymore, Y/N. Leave the house," he said. It stung. It felt awful and I really believed I started to feel empty. I started sobbing and I knew I couldn't keep pretending it was going to work out, but of course, it was easier that way. I stood there for a few seconds, pondering my options. At last, I grabbed my coat, my car keys and my phone, still crying, and left my house. He didn't even say goodbye to me, he didn't even give me a valid reason, he didn't explain why.

"This is the end," I thought. I had no clear plans, but I got into my car and started driving. My family wasn't anywhere near; I had moved out here to be with him, and now he's gone. I'm gone; he left me. I drove faster and later found myself at my best friend's doorstep, Jonah. I was looking down and had mascara running down my face with my phone in my hands. I wasn't crying anymore, but I still had a knot in my throat and I was surely going to cry again any time soon.

An unbelievable amount of thoughts were running through my head at full speed, though it felt like none of them really mattered, like I wasn't thinking of anything at all. The breakup started to affect my self-worth, but I also came to the conclusion that it was better to be left alone rather than spending my time with someone who doesn't really want me there. It was a tough choice to make, but I figured it would be better to think of it that way even if it hurt. 

The door opened and I was greeted by Corbyn.

"Hey, Y/N! How are- what's wrong?" his cheerful face suddenly became worried. As soon as he asked, I burst out into tears and he opened his arms for me, hugging me and pulling me into the house, shutting the door behind us. "Shh, it's okay. It's alright, I'm right here," he whispered.

He was still hugging me and I was crying on his shoulder when I heard him yell: "Jonah! Y/N's here and she's not really doing well!"

I looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows, but smiling a little because it was funny. I heard steps running down stairs and Jonah was here. He now pulled me into his arms and I kept crying. I didn't feel like getting broken up with was such a big deal until he held me. My knees started to give out and my head was pounding.

"Hey, hey, what happened?" he asked, looking at me right into my eyes with his eyebrows furrowed and his lips slightly parted.

"M-my boyfriend broke- broke up with me," I said in-between sobs. The second after he heard that, he closed his eyes in disbelief and hugged me tight once again. Corbyn patted my shoulder and looked up to the top of the stairs, where Jack and Zach were, when he heard Jack's voice: "What's all this ruckus?" he asked mindlessly. Jonah and Corbyn gave him a stare, wondering why he always managed to say the wrong things at the wrong time. Jack winced and whispered, "oh, sorry."

I pulled away from Jonah's embrace and wiped away my tears. "I'm fine," I said, rather trying to convince myself. "I'll be fine," I sniffed. "Jo, can we go upstairs?" I looked up at him. "'Course," he replied. I picked me up bridal style, like he used to when we were younger. All the other boys just shared looks of sorrow between them.

As soon as we reached his bedroom, he softly laid me down on his bed and I took a deep breath.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

I was only looking up at the ceiling, wondering where it had gone wrong. What did I do to deserve this?

"I just really thought we were doing well, you know? I thought he loved me," I felt tears prickling in my eyes once again.

"Oh, Y/N," he wrapped his arms around me and continued, "you know, he never deserved you anyway," he said, shaking his head. I made myself more comfortable and rested my head on his chest.

"But I loved him," I cried. I felt his chest rise like he was taking in a breath, like he wanted to say something; but he never let it out. "What?" I asked.

"Y/N, I'm sorry, but I have to tell you this: he was an asshole," he stated finally. "I can't believe he even thought he had a shot with you in the first place. He treated you badly and now he's made you cry," he reasoned, "and I don't think that's fair. I'm really trying to be supportive here, Y/N, but it's hard knowing you wasted all that time in him when he never even made an effort."

"I'm sorry," I said quietly. "I really thought he was the one." I felt Jonah stiffen beneath me; he was acting weird.

"You don't have to apologize. It's his fault at the end of the day. Besides, you're better off without him, I promise," he said. "I'm sure you'll find the right one when the time comes. Somebody who'll be by your side no matter what, supporting and loving you even at your worst. Someone who'll hold you when you feel down, just like right now I'm doing with you," his voice came down to a whisper, like his thoughts mindlessly dripped out of his mouth like honey.

Comfortable silence overcame the room and I started thinking; he was right. I deserve to be treated right, and Chad wasn't giving me that. If there was anybody who had been right there by my side since forever and no matter what, it was Jonah. I furrowed my brows in confusion and wondered how I hadn't put two and two together before. I looked up at him and stared into his eyes, searching for the smallest chance of him thinking the same. He looked at me in hopes of communicating the right message without speaking.

"That's it, Jonah," I said. A small smile slowly creeped onto my face.

"What?" he asked, clueless.

"I think you're the one," I smiled. As soon as he processed the information, he started smiling too. He seemed relieved and I was too; I knew that I wouldn't hurt again like I did before. He'd treat me right and I'd be happy again. After all, he was still my best friend.

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