Anger, Jonah Marais

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Warning: mature sexual content

You had never seen your boyfriend, Jonah so excited for a song release. His band was putting out new music which they had worked very hard on, and he was really glad it was finally coming out and being available to anybody who wanted to listen. His spirits were raised and he couldn't wait to share his music, as well as receiving feedback from the fans. However, one day had passed since the release of the single and certain "fans" were making harsh critics not only to the music but the band itself, the boys, their personalities, the way they looked and some even claimed that the entire group was being fake somehow. This was the case for a few days, and the boys felt hurt and even angry by the comments, Jonah not being the exception, even when they tried to focus on the supporting and loving audience.

Jonah was speechless after he spend a while online, feeling pissed about the situation, he couldn't believe there were people that actually wanted to hurt their feelings badly and were willing to expose themselves by writing horrible things online just to get a reaction out of them, how was there so much hate in the world? Moreover, the band's management wasn't being of much help, given that they dismissed the problem calling it "publicity" even if it were a bad one. Jonah and the rest of the band felt extremely powerless and upset at the circumstances.

Demanding that he be left alone, he stormed out of the living room of your shared house, before he walked to the bedroom. You stayed in the living room as your heart ached for Jonah, you understood how frustrated he was feeling. You believed that he would have done anything only for things to go back to the way they used to be and for the hate to cease.

Jonah said very little to you or to anyone else who asked him about the subject for that matter, his responses being very brief in any interviews or conversations. His silence continued just the same at home, you knew he was hurting but didn't know how to externalize it. As always, he used to bottle up his feelings for the sole reason of not bothering other people with his troubles, he hated being a burden. But, truly, he was never a weight to you or any of his friends and loved ones, but he didn't understand that and it only ever made things worse.

You went up to the bedroom after he had stormed off and found him on the edge of the bed, with his head buried in his hands.

"I completely understand why you're feeling like this, but it's not good for you to keep all of your emotions inside and allow them to build up," you said softly with caution as you sat beside him, threading one of your arms through his.

"I'm just so sick of letting other people's opinions completely destroy me!" Jonah snapped as he rose to his feet, clenching his hands into fists by his sides. "They're making me feel like a complete idiot! I'm so sick of not having the confidence to stand up for myself and my bandmates, especially when they're my friends! I want to help the band secure a good future in the industry and thrive with our music, rather than letting them down!"

Jonah then whipped his head around his shoulders, desperate for something to throw, deciding to grab a book on the nightstand, but just as he was about to launch it at the wall, you grabbed onto his wrist, causing him to take deep breaths as he tried to calm himself down.

"Smashing things isn't going to help. Maybe try taking my clothes off. Take all of your anger out on me," you said calmingly. Your hands began to move up his shoulders, before you began to soothingly rub them.

"I might just take you up on that offer," replied Jonah seductively, suddenly overcome with lust as he began to tare your clothes away from your body, before doing the same thing to himself.

Jonah pushed you forcefully back onto the bed and your heart started to race as he straddled you. He towered over you as a mischievous smirk spread across his lips. You let out a gasp of surprise as Jonah barged his erection through your folds and began to pump in and our of you, the immediate intensity of the pleasure caused you to start moaning his name straight away. Within seconds, you had thrown your head back in pleasure only to notice the concentration on Jonah's face. It was clear to you that he wanted you both to reach your orgasms as quickly as possible.

"Just let me know if I hurt because that's not what I'm trying to do," said Jonah warningly as one of his hands moved around to your bottom and try to pull you closer. You let out weak whimpers as his fingers slightly nipped your sensitive skin.

You nodded in response, before throwing your head back once more. Jonah took this as the perfect opportunity to give your exposed neck some attention with his lips. His trail of kisses would usually start off gently when he pleasured you in this way, but this night was an exception. Jonah slightly bit your skin as he took it into his mouth, before he would forcefully suck on it to cover you in his marks, some disappearing within a matter of seconds, but you looked down and you were able to see that others were definitely going to bruise. As Jonah was doing this, your moans were echoing around your room. Jonah sightly changed the angle of his thrusting because it seemed as if you were a lot closer than he was. All it took for you to be the first to reach your orgasm was for Jonah to continue kneading your bottom cheeks as his aggressive sucking went on. After a few more vigorous thrusts and tough grunts, Jonah followed, both of you gasping for breath as he rolled off you.

"That was just what I needed, but you would tell me if I was too rough, wouldn't you?" Asked Jonah with worry as he pulled your head onto his chest.

"Of course I would, but you weren't. It was actually a very nice surprise," you replied affectionately as the two of you wrapped your arms tightly around each other. It didn't take long before you both fell asleep in the other's loving embrace.

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