Holiday, Corbyn Besson

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The past year you had been with your boyfriend, Corbyn, may have been one of the best of your life, as he made you the happiest that you had ever been. However, there was just one downside to your relationship which was the result of both of you keeping your relationship a secret and away from the public eye: you hand't been able to enjoy moments as a couple such as having your first holiday together. The two of you initially decided that this was for the best, as you were both in the spotlight. With Corbyn in a successful band and you being one of the top global actresses, it was hard to have a private life, since everything that eventually leaked was surely going to be judged by a million people. Nonetheless, after being made envious by photos on Instagram, Corbyn decided that he wanted to finally be able to share the holiday experience with you.

With his phone in hand, he entered your shared living room, walking slowly and cautiously as he was approaching you, causing you to look up at him nervously. He sat down beside you, making you realize that you had nothing to worry about once he had handed his phone to you to allow you to see what was on his screen.

"What do you think?" Corbyn asked you hopefully, with a glimmer of excitement in his eyes as you looked at the holiday booking. The only remaining step was to pay for it. "How about we go on our first holiday together as a couple? We can't keep worrying about the way people are going to react if they find out we're together. Instead, we should focus on enjoying our time."

You couldn't agree more with what he saying, you thought he had made a really valid point. After you had agreed, Corbyn didn't hesitate to book your holiday to the Maldives.

After a week of excitable chatter and packing, the day of your holiday arrived. At first, you decided that you wouldn't show any PDA because your intentions weren't to make your relationship public, but rather just to enjoy yourself and not allow people to make you feel as if you couldn't. However, after your first few days doing a mixture of lazing around the pool, chilling on the beach and exploring the shop, Corbyn decided that he was no longer able to keep his hands off you. He wrapped both of his arms around you and pulled you closely to him on the double lounger which you were sharing.

"What if we get caught?" You muttered nervously under your breath as you found yourself slightly contradicting yourself and snuggling your head in Corbyn's chest. "We've already been recognized a few times this morning and people are questioning on social media why we've been spotted on holiday together."

"I really don't care anymore," replied Corbyn warmly as he attempted to pull you even closer to him. "If people want to dislike us for falling in love then that's their problem. To be honest, I want the entire world to know just much I love you."

You found his words reassuring, his comfort being the reason why you didn't pull away when he captured your lips in a passionate kiss. You didn't think that anything could spoil the perfect moment, but just as you were pulling away and opening your eyes, you became aware of the blinding camera flashes all around you.

"Y/N! Corbyn! You two look very cosy!" One of the paparazzi exclaimed with enthusiasm, desperate to get information out of you. "Why have never told anyone that you're together?"

"How long have you been together?" Another chirped up as yourself and Corbyn sprung off in the lounger and quickly gathered your things together. "Is this a long term, committed relationship or nothing more than a summer fling that's going to fizzle out?"

Yourself and Corbyn sped away, refusing to answer any questions because you wanted to tell people about your relationship on your terms, rather than being pressured into it. Both of you darted to your hotel, which was on the seafront and as soon as you were in your room, you both realized that your phones were blowing up. The two of you were all over social media as well as in the cover of magazines.

"I think the best thing to do is just to ignore all of this," Corbyn said sternly, noticing that you appeared to be overwhelmed as you ran the fingers of your free hand through your hair in frustration. "Let's just continue as we are, let's act like like a couple, but not put anything on social media or anything like that because that'll make people think we want all of this attention."

You completely agreed with him and as the holiday went on, you got used to the attention. You even enjoyed some of it because of the fans who were saying that they loved the two fo you together. You were surprised that you didn't get any more interruptions and were left to enjoy the rest of your first holiday together, people appearing to be giving your privacy the respect it deserves.

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