Public transport, Daniel Seavey

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Daniel's POV

I was running late. Extremely late. I was supposed to meet up with the boys two hours ago but I woke up late because I had stayed up the night before. I was busy writing a new song, got caught up and lost track of time, like I always do.

I yawned, still in bed, and as soon as I opened my eyes, I noticed that my phone was blowing up.

Corbyn: Hey bro, where you at?

Jack: We're at the studio! What's taking you so long?

Zach: Duuuude don't tell me you forgot...

Jonah: Dani is everything okay? We've been waiting for you for over an hour now

My eyes went wide and I instantly sat up straight. I grabbed my phone and quickly typed in the groupchat.


I got up, changed my clothes, brushed my teeth and left my house. As I went into the garage, I realized that I had left in such a hurry that I had forgotten my car keys inside. I huffed, rolled my eyes and quickly walked back in, looking for them. After I found them, I got back out and hopped in the car. As I turned it on, I saw a red sign in the little screen in the middle of the console. "No gas" it read. I cursed under my breath and rested my head in the steering wheel. I sighed.

Could this day get any worse?

I got out of the car and started rushing outside. I ran through the busy streets of L.A. but figured there was no way I was going to make it alive if I ran all the way to the studio; I just couldn't do it. I stopped running and my mind was spinning. I was trying to think of a solution, I couldn't let the boys down more than I already had. As I looked up, I saw a big avenue and an insane amount of cars, but my eyes rested on a bus that was driving really fast.

That's it; I have to take the bus.

I started running -again- to the nearest bus stop, praying I was going fast enough to catch the bus that was speeding down the street. Luckily, I was able to hop in before it left. It was the first thing that had gone correctly all morning, and it was only 11am.

"Thank you," I said as I looked at the driver. I was panting. I began walking down the bus until I found a seat. I let out a sigh and my shoulders relaxed.

I was looking out the window when the vehicle stopped slowly and I saw a girl walk past me and sit in front of me. My mouth was slightly open and I wanted to stop staring, but I just couldn't. She was just so pretty; I thought I was dreaming for a second. She looked up and I figured I was probably freaking her out, so I looked down and away, embarrassed. The last thing I wanted was to make her uncomfortable. I started looking out the window again and admired the busy streets of L.A., but I was still thinking about her. From the corner of my eye, I saw a small smile creep onto her face and she pulled out some headphones from her bag. It felt like one of those crushes you get at the airport; I felt the same adrenaline rushing through my veins. I knew I had just met her. Hell, I didn't even know her at all. Regardless, I was dumbfounded and there was nothing I could do about it. As soon as I got out of that bus, my story with her would end.

I needed to talk to talk her. But I knew it was wrong, so I tried to distract myself. I put my right hand to my jean pocket, only to realize I had forgotten my phone at home. Fantastic. I unconsciously threw my arms in the air in disbelief.

"How can I be so stupid?" I said out loud, accidentally.

That's when I heard a giggle. It was the most gorgeous laugh I had ever heard. It was unbelievable how joyful it made me to even hear the mere sound of it. I looked in front of me and saw her, looking at me. Her smile was so contagious that I couldn't help but smile back. I was so stressed and nervous that I somehow managed to turn my smile into a laugh.

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