Any day, Daniel Seavey

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Daniel's POV

I was laying on my bed on a sunny afternoon when my phone started going off. I checked it and found out the notifications were coming from Instagram, more specifically from the new post I had made a few hours ago. It was a picture of my with all four of my bandmates and my girlfriend, Y/N. I smiled a warm smile at the sight of it, but it soon faded when I remembered my current dilemma. I knew it was stupid to think so, but a small part of me really believed that Y/N and Jonah had something going on behind my back. At times I understood that it only had to do with my insecurities and the fact that they had a close friendship, but eventually the sour thought came back, and I couldn't ignore it.

I had been thinking about this for weeks on end, entire nights without one minute of sleep thinking about what it would be like to lose her to him, how heartbreaking it would really be. Of course I wanted to trust them both, but I needed to get all doubts out of my body before it consumed me completely.

I felt the bedsheets move slightly and it pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked to my side and there she was, as beautiful as ever. Y/N and I had been dating for a long time now, and I had never had such a feeling about our relationship. She wasn't distant with me, but she was always too close to Jonah.

"Hey, baby," I said to her in a soft voice; she had just woken up. She smiled at me and stretched her arms.

"Hey, love," she replied. I turned my body fully to her and I wrapped my left arm over her torso. We stayed like that for a few minutes, enjoying the closeness. When I finally gathered the courage, I took a deep breath and I gulped.

"Y/N, I need to talk to you," I stated. Her facial expressions changed, suddenly the warm moment slipped away and she became worried. She sat up on the bed and I did so too, while looking at her.

"About what?" she asked, half curious half scared. Would it be better if she didn't know how I felt at all?

"About Jonah," I started. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and I could already sense this wouldn't end well, either for her or for me.

"Yeah, what about him?"

"About your relationship with him..." I didn't know what to say. Maybe it was too strong of an accusation to make without any evidence to prove it. "I just don't know... what his intentions are with you," I tried to word it, but nothing that I said really represented what I meant.

"Huh?" she was clueless. Or so she looked, anyway. I cringed at the obvious need for me to further explain myself. It was beginning to feel embarrassing, but the conversation had already started, and I couldn't back out now.

"You mean if he doesn't want me around anymore?" she asked, trying to understand what I was getting at.

"No, I don't mean it like that. Quite the opposite, actually," I replied.

"Well, then, I don't understand, Dani. Did he say something?" she waved her arms around as if they were going to help her get clearance.

"No, I just-" I said before she cut me off.

"What is it, then?" We were both getting tired and I was making it too long, but never on purpose.

"Are you in love with him?" I finally blurted. I didn't think, not for one second, the words that came out of my mouth. When she realized where this was about all along, she looked surprised, as did I. She parted her mouth in disbelief and blinked a few times, but remained silent.

"What?" she asked with a smaller voice, like she was pitying me.

"I just want to know..." I said, "if you like him."

She raised her eyebrows and began smiling; she found this so amusing, she started laughing. Meanwhile, I was sitting there, confused. How could she be so nonchalant about it when I had been genuinely worrying about it for days?

"If I like him?" she kept on laughing. "Wow, you really had me scared for a moment there, baby," she said. I opened my eyes widely and looked at her, begging for an explanation.

"Scared? I'm scared! I have been scared about you leaving me for him for weeks now!" I said. I wasn't mad, but I sure as hell wasn't happy either. "What's going on?"

"Of course I don't like him like that, honey, what did you think?" she got closer and held my shoulder in her hand. "Just because I get along with him doesn't mean I'm in love with him," she said. My eyebrows were still furrowed and I still wasn't content with her answer. She looked at me intently, like her point of view was obvious and I was completely oblivious.

"I'm in love with you, Daniel, don't you get it? If I didn't love you anymore, I would have left you already, but I'm still here because I choose you," she said. She touched my cheek with her hand and looked at me tenderly. "I'd choose you any day, love," she lowered her voice and she seemed genuinely willing to do anything to make me understand.

I took a deep breath, "Okay. I'm sorry I doubted you, I love you, Y/N," I said, as I closed my eyes. I got closer to her and I hugged her close.

"I love you, too, Dani," she replied.


AN.: this is ass I'm sorry :D

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