Can't Resist- y/n and Khris|pt 1

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Y/n pov:
You had been looking at him for so long. Even before you and your boyfriend got together. You wanted him so bad that you just couldn't resist it.

He was flirting with you all the time. You knew it was wrong to cheat and your best friend was his girlfriend.

Oh how bad you wanted him. Your body felt like it needed him.

Khris pov:

It was just me and y/n. I sat on the couch next to you, and you shifted over to the other side slightly.

"You okay?" I asked giving you eye contact.

"I-im fine" you said studdering. I continued to look at my phone for a new house since I was moving pretty soon.

I put my hand on your stomach. You smiled at me and I smiled back.

I started to move my hand lower to your private area as I could feel you start to move a little.

Y/n pov:
He had you wet. All you wanted him to do was to touch you and caress your body.

It's been months since you've been touched. Your boyfriend is always out at work or cheating.

You were basically crying out to Khris.

He pulled you on top of him. You knew this was wrong but it was what you wanted and needed.

He began kissing your neck as you moaned lightly in his ear.

"Is this okay?" he asked and you nodded.

He took your shirt off kissing your chest area as he gave you a hickey on your boob and continued to kiss your stomach.

He took off your pants but you stopped him for a moment.

"This is not right" you said looking at him. Although you didn't want him to stop.

"Please keep going" you thought you said in your mind but you said it out loud.

He heard you as he roughly ripped off your pants. Then he ripped off your underwear.

You were cut off by the door opening.

Melissa pov: (Khris gf)
"I'm home" I said as I started to walk into the living room.

Khris came up to me. "Can you please go to the store for me baby" he said as he kissed me on the lips.

"It smells like sex in here" I said while frowning my face. "But I'll be back" I said and left out the house. I got in my car going to the store.

Y/n pov:
"We have some time now" Khris said as you laid on the couch.

He inserted himself into you being gentle. You soon felt him pull some of himself out before ramming back into you

You moaned right into his ear. Which made him go faster and deeper.

"W-w-wait" you said trying to push him back but he didn't stop. I felt him already hitting your spot.

"Fuckk Khris" you let out as you felt myself coming closer to an orgasm he kept going.

"Hold it in" he said. You tried my best but you couldn't take it. It felt so good that you had to cum.

He paused and looked at you. "Please don't stop" you said looking up at him with a sad face because you were on your back.

"I told you to hold it right?" he stated.

"Y- yes" you said looking down. Turn around he said and you did exactly what he asked.

He slowly teased you rubbing his finger against your clit before you felt him insert himself inside you.

You let out the loudest moan as he quickly covered your mouth. "Nosy neighbors" he said as you quieted down.

He moved himself out of you as you felt him ram back into you in and out at a fast pace.

"Ughh fuckk" you let out as he kept going.

"I said hold it right?" he asked as stroked deeper with each word.

"Yes, you did" you said.

"Yes what" he said as you felt him go even deeper.

"Yes daddy" you said it felt like he was in your stomach.

He went even faster as you felt your arch drop and you fell flat on your stomach. "Fix yourself" he said in an aggressive tone as you got back up arching again.

He got a grip of your hair as you felt him pulling on it. You felt him going deeply inside of you.

"Next time don't mess it up" he said as he kept giving you deep strokes. You grinded up on him.

"I'm bout to nut" he said as he tried to pull out. You pushed him onto the couch riding on top of him.

"Mmm fuckk" you said while looking at him. You felt a pool of warm liquid inside of you. You smiled knowing what it was already.

"I want to start a family with you" you said looking down. "We can do that" he said lifting up your chin pulling you in giving you a passionate kiss.

You kissed him back collapsing on his chest as you drifted asleep.

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