Valentine's Day

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Y/n pov:
You were upset that you had to leave Kayden home and go to work. I mean really? On valentine's day.

You still had to go because you didn't want to lose your job plus multiple people already took this day off from ahead of time.

You wish you would've done the same. You just helped costumer's and watched the clock, it seemed like the day was going by so slow.

You looked back at the clock to see you finally only had 5 minutes left on your shift. You decided to get a gift bag and put chocolates, a pair of Cartier glasses and a Rolex watch in the bag to surprise Kayden.

You checked yourself out at the register. You were hesitating once you saw the price but you wanted to go all out for him.

He's been the best over these 3 years. Your shift was finally over and you grabbed your purse and clocked your card out.

You went to your car and started to drive home. You finally pulled into the garage and went inside the house.

Kayden was standing right by the door and he greated you with a passionate kiss. You almost dropped the gift.

"I missed you" you said giggling. "I missed you too babygirl" he said smiling.

You smiled back and placed the gift on the floor. "Close your eyes I have a surprise for you" he said.

You closed your eyes and I felt him grab your hand. "Please don't let me fall" you said. "I won't" he said and he led you up the stairs.

You kept holding onto his hand and as he walked more up the stairs you smelt the most amazing smell.

It smelt like vanilla and mango. "You can open your eyes now" he said.

You opened my eyes to see a whole beautiful set up. "Oh my goodness thank you so much bubba" you screamed and jumped on him.

He caught you and hugged you back as he placed tender kisses on your neck. You just giggled and enjoyed his embrace for the moment.

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(This is how their room was decorated and this is how y'all were hugging)

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(This is how their room was decorated and this is how y'all were hugging)

"Kayden, I actually have a surprise for you too" you said and grabbed the bagKayden pov:I opened the gift and my eyes beamed up

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"Kayden, I actually have a surprise for you too" you said and grabbed the bag
Kayden pov:
I opened the gift and my eyes beamed up. "Babe you really didn't have to" I said smiling and then I came over and kissed you.

I watched you grab the chocolate strawberries and I just stood there for a minute admiring every feature of you. From your beautiful eyes, to your soft lips, and gentle touch.

I couldn't stop thinking.. how good of a wife, and a mother you could be. You caught me gazing and snapped me out of it.

"Babe are you okay" you said giggling. "Yes I'm fine, I just was thinking.." I started saying and then I stopped.

Y/n pov:
He stopped talking and you saw him pull a box out of his pocket and get on one knee. You felt tears already forming in your eyes before he could even ask the question.

He grabbed your hand and looked in your eyes. "Y/n you have been the best girlfriend I have ever had, I felt like I should have done this long ago. You do everything that I look for in a partner.

You cook, clean, make sure I'm okay, you want to do everything with me, you make me feel loved. I just want to make you feel the same way and I try everyday and I will continue to try for an eternity.

When I look at you I see a wife, the mother of my kids, my best friend, someone who I want to come home to and with for the rest of my life. So I'm asking can you do this one favor, will you marry me?" He said.

"Yes of course!" You yelled and you felt a whole bunch of tears flow down your face as he put the ring on your finger and picked you up.

You looked right into the eyes of the man of your dreams eyes. "I can't believe it, I get to be with him for the rest of my life" you thought to yourself, zoning out.

You zoned back in and he had carried you to the bathtub. He got in first and you got undressed and got in as well.

He popped the bottle of champagne and poured you both a glass. You talked and sipped away.

(1lol0 minutes later)

The drink was really hitting you. You grabbed Kayden's hand and got out the tub. You dried off and then walked to the bed as you sat down waiting for him to come into the room.

A few seconds later he walked in and you pushed him straight onto the bed. The tension was rising as you climbed on top of him and moved your face closer to his.

Your lips were so close to touching as you stared each other in the eyes. Hearing "any time, any place" by Janet Jackson playing in the background.

Finally he closed the gap and connected his lips with yours. You kissed back passionately and grinded on him slowly.

You could feel his member rising up. In between the kiss you let out soft moans as he got harder and harder.

He flipped you over so that he was on top. He placed soft kisses all over my neck, he moved down to your stomach and then back up.

His kisses got rougher as they became hickeys and you could feel yourself getting wetter each minute.

You leaned into his ear and whispered "I need you please" you said with a soft moan. Not even a second after you felt him slide himself into your entrance.

You let out a loud moan as you allowed both of yo to adjust to each other. He started slow and gradually got faster.

Your moans grew louder and louder. "S-low d-o-wn please" you barely managed to get out.

You placed my hand on his lower stomach area trying to get him to slow down. He only went faster which provided me with even more pleasure.

"Ahh" you moaned. You heard him grunting. His face was still so close to yours. You kissed him once again and he slid out of you.

"Turn around babygirl" he said. You turned around and positioned yourself. He slide back into you but this time it felt different.

This angle felt better and you could feel all of him and all the pleasure coming down on you at once. "Do you like that?" He whispered into your ear. "Y-es I do" you said barely responding because the pleasure was so intense.

(1 hour later)

You were on your last round and tried your hardest not to tap out. You felt him release his sperm inside you and rest his head on your stomach.

You were both breathing hard from a long night. You tried to get up and walk to the shower but you couldn't because my legs were sore. Kayden went to the shower and turned it on.

He carried you and you both got in. You let the hot water hit on your skin and it felt the best.

Kayden washed you up and you shared a long passionate look. When I tell you I can feel every second of intimacy with this man 😩.

Your energy just always clicks. You rinsed off and got out. Kayden got out and carried you back to bed.

You put your silk robe on and he grabbed the chocolate and fruit basket he had surprised you with.

You watched "love never fails" and ate the fruit. Once the movie ended you could feel yourself exhausted.

You turned around and cuddled with Kayden. "I love you wife" you heard him say and kiss your forehead.

"I love you too husband" you said giggling and you kissed his chest and fell asleep.

Authors note:  How do you guys like this smut? Want more? Comment down below, also be sure to vote and let me know if you want a story about Kayden and y/n aka Alisha?

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