Kiss and make up 😩

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Juvy pov:
"Shut the fuck up" I screamed at y/n while picking up the glass and throwing it at the door.

"You stay getting on me for no damn reason. I told you I'm getting on a job I'm working on it." I said.

You just looked at me while starting to pick up the glass. You threw it out as you walked over to me.

"I'm sorry" you said. "Yea you better be so-" I was cut off by you slapping the shit out of me.

"I'm sorry for this" you said. I got up and I pushed you back off of me. I went into the room.

You followed after me and I slammed the door shut. I heard you go to the bathroom then a few minutes later I heard crying.

I got up and went to the bathroom where I seen you laying on the floor. "I'm sorry" I said while looking you into your eyes. I picked you up and went to the room.

Y/n pov:

He kissed on your neck leaving hickeys. You smiled as he took off your dress then unhooked your bra straps.

You felt him kiss on your breast leaving big red hickeys.

He came up to your face as he started to passionately kiss you wrapping his hands around your neck playfully choking you.

"I love you babygirl" he said as he gently started to rub on your clit causing you to let out light moans.

He rubbed faster "oh fuck baby" you whined while pulling lightly on his hair. You watched him as he began to suck on your clit.

You moaned in pleasure as you laid your head back. "Mmmm" you moaned.

You watched him as he stuck two fingers inside of you pumping them in and out. "Fuckk baby wait" you said.

He stopped and stood up you watched him as he lined himself up with your entrance. You pushed him back which made him even more upset.

"Get on your stomach" he said while looking at you. "No" you said with a stern look trying to hide your little smirk.

You stared into his eyes while he looked back at you. He left the room.

"Wait I was playing" you said while choking back tears. You sighed as you sat up.

You seen him come back into the room with something in his hand. "What is tha- fuckkk" you moaned as you felt the hard vibration of the vibrator on your clit.

"I'm so-rry" you said with your words breaking up. "No you don't want to listen" he said while placing you on your stomach.

"Arch that shit" he said while giving you this furious but stern look. You knew he wasn't playing anymore.

You arched my back the best you could despite it hurting. You watched him as he took off his boxers revealing his large and hard cock.

You bit your lip as you watched him thrust himself into your entrance while turning up the vibrator.

You moaned loudly. "Start listening the first time" he said while going deeper with his strokes.

"I'm sorry please" you moaned as he turned the vibrator off. He began picking up the pace making his strokes faster.

You looked into his eyes as you reached your climax cumming all over his cock. You felt his warm nut inside of me and you smiled.

"You want me to have your kid?" You said still looking at him. "Yes" he said smiling and carrying you to the shower.

You hopped on letting the hot water hit your sore body and began washing up.

You got caught off guard by him pinning you to the shower wall. "You mines right?" He questioned while giving me this look...

You couldn't describe was an intimate but soft look.

"Yes of course" you said while reaching in to kiss him. When you opened my eyes you saw him by my thighs. "Please no" I pleaded with him but he didn't listen.

Your clit was sensitive and you weren't sure if you could handle more pleasure.

You got chills from the sensation of him licking all over your clit. "Fu-ck" you moaned.

He kept going sending vibrations all over you. You pulled on his hair as you felt him flick his tongue faster and faster.

You soon couldn't take it as you felt your body getting weak and your knees buckling. You pushed him slightly back. "I cant take it" you said smiling.

He kissed your soft lips, washing you up in the shower. After washing himself up he carried you to the bed. Putting on his boxers.

He put on your underwear and cuddled you falling asleep with your boob in his hand.

"So attached" you thought while laughing to yourself before drifting asleep.

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