Lets make love.

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Y/bfn Pov.
I set the rose petals on the bed and I heard the door open. "Come in here bae" I shout and you come into the room. "Baeee" you say excitedly and I smile. You run to me and I pick you up. "Thank you" you say while looking in my eyes. "Your welcome ma" I say and you lean in for a kiss. I kiss you back sliding my tongue in your mouth and down your throat. "Mmm" you moan into the kiss. I gently place you down onto the bed and remove your clothes. "Let me please you tonight" I say and go down in between your legs. "Shit is so pretty" I say and you get shy trying to cover it. "Nah let me see what's mines" I say and open your legs back up. I flick my tongue against your clit and it sends vibrations through your body. I can tell because you shiver against my touch. I flick my tongue faster and faster hearing your low moans. I stick two fingers into you while flicking my tongue faster. I pump my fingers in and out of you going faster and faster. Your moans grow louder and you try to close your legs. I hold them open with my other hand and I keep flicking my tongue against your clit. "That feels so good" you moan. You cum in my mouth and you moan as I slurp up your juices. I stand up and slide my boxers down. I move closer to you examining every part of your beautiful body. Every curve and even your little pudge. I smile deeply and you look up at me. "Those eyes.. your eyes are so beautiful ma." I say and you smile. I let you feel on my muscles before you slide you hand to my back. I lean in and start to kiss you. I move from your lips to your neck and then your ear. " I just want to make love to you,no rush" I whisper into your ear. I go down to your breast. Leaving small kisses everywhere on you. I kiss your stomach before going back up to your neck. I look into your eyes as I slide into you. I give you slow strokes and you stare back into my eyes moaning. "Keep your eyes on me" I say and you follow my instructions. I start to speed the strokes up going faster. "You so tight" I groan and you moan in response. I feel the sexual tension rising as I go deeper and deeper into you. "I really wanna give you a baby" I say still staring in your eyes and going deep and fast. "S-so give me one" you moan. I keep looking at you as I keep up the pace. You grab my hand and you suck my finger while looking at me. It sends me to the edge. "You know you drive me crazy miss" I say while twitching inside of you. Your walls clench around me and you cum as I nut inside of you. I pull out and kiss you. You go down onto your knees and suck me licking up any remaining nut. I pick you up kissing your lips again. "I swear I'm going to marry you, make you a Carter" I say breaking the kiss and you smile. You climb into bed and I get in as well. I wrap my arms around you cuddling you as we both fall asleep.

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