The library .

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Y/n pov:
You watched him from the balcony as he finished putting on his tie. He looked across and spotted you and waved. You smiled slightly and waved back.

You went into the house and grabbed your keys. You went downstairs and got into your car and drove to work. When you got to work you got your cup of coffee and as you turned around you bumped into him.

"Oh, I'm so sorr-" you tried to say but all you could focus on was his wet shirt stained with coffee that revealed his abs.

"Ehem" he said clearing his throat and I looked up. "I'm sorry" you said and used a napkin to wipe the coffee off of his shirt the best you could. "It's alright" he said smiling and putting a hand on your shoulder.

You smiled back and threw the napkin out. "Hey, do you like to read by any chance?" He said and you nodded. "I love to read" you said.

"We should go to the library together this afternoon, I could pick you up I know you live across the street from me" he said smiling.

"That sounds good" you said with a slight smile and you walked away. For the rest of the day all you could think about was him. You started typing the paper on my computer when you zoned out into a day dream.

"Right there" you said with soft moans. He was caressing you while giving you slow and deep strokes.

Quan Pov:

"Y/n?" I said and you didn't answer. "Y/n" I said again and you still didn't answer. "Y/n" I said a little louder this time and you looked at me.

"Omgg this is so embarrassing" you said. I chuckled a little and then handed you a paper.

"Boss said a new client is coming in tomorrow so he's letting us leave early for the day" I said.

"So how about we go freshen up and we can go to the library" you said. "Sounds fine with me" I said with a smile and we left work. I got into my car and drove home.

Y/n Pov:
"I can't believe I was daydreaming about him at work" you said to yourself. You drove home and laid out your clothes.

You had a checkered red and black skirt with a red top that had lace fringes around it. You pulled out your red dunks because you hate wearing heels.

You got into the shower and after that you put the outfit on. You went to finish your hair and pulled it into a nice bun as you brushed your baby hairs down and pulled out some hair from the sides to give it sort of a messy look.

You checked my phone and seen a message from Quan. "I'm outside" it said. "Just in time" you thought to yourself.

You put on my gold necklace that had your name on it and grabbed your black purse. You put your keys, wallet and my phone in your bag and you locked the door and went outside.

You seen him sitting in his shiny black Mercedes Benz. You studied him for a moment and then you realized he was getting out of the car to open the door for you.

"Thank you sir" you said a little sarcastically while smiling. "You're welcome madame" he said chuckling and running to the drivers side of the car.

He started to drive to the library and you made small conversation about work and things you like to do.

You felt a spark between you both and chemistry was rising. You were looking out the window and then back at him. Anticipation was rising. He looked at you and grabbed your hand.

He held it as he rubbed his thumb against yours. It was comforting. You got to the library and he opened the door for you and helped you out of the car.

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