ybn nahmir

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Y/n pov:
You felt yourself growing very irritated. You were already frustrated that he dragged you out to this party.

You went up to him calmly asking to leave. He proceed to ignore you before you smacked the shit out of him.

"I told I'm ready to fucking go what do you not understand" you said while looking him dead in the face.

You could see everyone glaring at you but you didn't really care. You were already having a bad night.

He proceed to keep talking for a moment before pulling you to the side and giving you this hard look.

"Keep this shit up and it's going to be a problem when we get home" he said.

"It's already a problem" you stated with an attitude. "It's been a problem" you said rolling your eyes.

You felt him slowly wrap his hands around your neck. You felt him then begin to rub on your sensitive area. You then felt him insert two fingers into you.

You felt him pump them in and out of you. You bit my lip trying to hold in your moans. "Your lucky" you heard him whisper.

"You're not safe when we get home" he said as he took his hands out of your pants before going to the car.

You heard him start it as you got in buckling your seatbelt.

It felt like it was a long drive back home. When you got in the house you seen him shut off the car before going in the house.

You waited a minute before following behind him. You went into the room as you began to take my dress off.

You got into the shower as you let the hot water hit my body you closed my eyes. You felt a presence behind you as you felt hot air on your neck.

You turned around and jumped a little as you seen nahmir standing there.

Nahmir pov:

I stared at you for a moment before I started to leave red hickeys on your neck. "What did I tell you was gonna happen when we got home" I said while slowly lifting up your face so that your eyes meant mines.

"I don't remember" you said. "Well maybe I can help you remember" I said while giving you a passionate look.

Y/n pov:

You just stared at him before you felt him prop you up against the shower wall. He pinned your hands above your head before you felt him insert himself into you slowly.

"Ahh fuck" you whined. He went deeper with his strokes.

"I can't- please- I can't" you moaned. He slowly wrapped his hand around your neck while jamming himself in and out of you.

"This is what happens when you misbehave" he said while looking at you. "I'll be good" you pleaded.

You felt his warm nut pool inside of you before you seen him turn off the water and let you off of him.

He carried you to the room as he sat you on the bed. You proceeded to try to get dressed before you felt him grab your arm.

"Who said we were done?" he asked. "But- but my legs are sore" you whined.

"You should have thought about that before you decided to slap me in front of everyone" he stated.

He laid you back on the bed while going down on you. You felt his tongue flick on your clit before the sensation got faster and faster.

"Fuckkk" you let out. You felt him flick faster and faster as you grabbed on his dreads.

You were amazed as your legs started to shake. "Please I can't-" you said while letting out a light moan.

You felt him let up on you. You tried to crawl up on the bed but you were to weak and your legs were sore.

"Can you please help me?" You asked. You felt him push you up before covering you with the blanket.

He then laid beside you before pulling you close to him.

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