Jamell and y/n

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Y/n pov:
"Stop fucking playing Jamell" you said as you put the food back.

"You're always playing and I'm not playing right now" you said.

"You're always so serious" he said while looking at you. "Shut the fuck up" you said while smacking him.

You felt him quickly grabbing your throat while shoving his hands in your panties and rubbing your clit.

You held back moans giving him a warning look so that hopefully he would move off of you.

He just leaned into you while whispering in your ear. "Move an inch and it will be worse for you and don't make a sound" he said lifting back up and looking you in the eyes.

"Do you understand?" he asked. You shook your head as he handed you some underwear.

You walked into the bathroom of the restaurant putting them on and sitting at the table. You picked up the menu looking at the different food options.

Jamell told you he wanted steak and lobster so you decided to get the same. A few minutes later the waiter walked over to us.

"What would you like to eat?" he asked . "I'll take tw-" you were cut off by a vibration which felt like it was coming from the underwear.

"One second sir" you said and he walked away. "Jamell please don't" you whined which only made him turn it up more.

"Order my damn food" he said while calling the waiter back over. "Tw-o lo- mm lobsters and steaks pl- that's it" you said trying to hold in your moans.

"Okay" he said looking at you for a moment before putting the order in and walking away.

You closed your eyes while biting your lip trying your hardest not to make a sound. 

"Keep your eyes open, look at me, baby" you heard melly say in a soft tone.

You looked up at him while still biting your lip. He turned it up once more."fuckkk" you accidentally let out.

He looked around for a moment luckily nobody heard you. "Enough, please, I can't take anymore!" You pleaded with him.

He lowered it watching you struggle to keep quiet once more before completely turning it off.

You still felt light vibrations which caused you to quiver as the waiter brung your food to the table.

You ate and then stood up as you seen Jamell who was also done eating. You went into the car and he followed.

It was a slow shivering drive home. He kept sliding his hand on your inner thigh. You just looked outside as you arrived to the house and he stopped the car.

"Get ya lil ass in there" he said as he went in the house. You followed behind him and went into the house.

He put you on the bed. "Spread your legs for daddy, I wanna see you" he said. 

"What makes you think I'm going to fuck you?" You asked. You felt him come up behind you as he placed the handcuffs on one of your wrists.

He handcuffed you to the bed as he began to eat you out slowly. "F-uck Jamell..." you whined.

Jamell pov:

I started to flick my tongue at a fast pace as I watched you look at me the whole time.

"I don't care if it takes all night you will submit" I said. I kept flicking my tongue going faster as I watched you grip onto the sheets moaning with pleasure. 

I stuck two fingers in you pumping them in and out slowly. "Stay still, don't move your hips" I said while pumping them even slower.

"Do you know what happens when you misbehave?" I asked.

"Don't tease me, please!" You begged. I began pumping them faster for a moment.

"If you cum it will be consequences" I said. I stood up before leaving the room to get something.

Y/n pov:

He left the room and you began to grow worried. When he came back he had this shocker in his hand. "If you move I'm going to shock you" he said.

You shook your head as you watched him take the hand cuffs off. He lined himself up with your entrance before sliding in.

"Ouuu fuckkk" you moaned.  "Shh, just look at me, baby" he said.

You looked at him while trying to stay quiet as you felt his strokes become deeper and faster. "Please, I can't sit still" you begged.

He just kept thrusting for a moment before he slowly pulled out of you. You gasped when you felt the relief.

You felt him uncuff your wrist. You pulled my hands close to you massaging your wrist looking at the red marks.

"You see what you did" you stated while looking at him. He looked back at you for a moment before bursting out with laughter.

"You'll be fine" he said while kissing you on the forehead. He walked out the room and you could hear the shower running so you went with him.

You saw him showering so you got in. You got out putting on a robe and doing some skincare.

You felt Jamell come behind you grabbing your waist. You smiled lightly as you put on some chapstick and walked to the bed.

You laid down and watched twilight and started to drift asleep before you felt the bed move a little.

Goodnight you heard him say before you heard a light snore you knew he was sleep.

You looked over to see him before you completely fell asleep.

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