wait 🌚

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Your 😏 pov:
You took pictures in the mirror as you waited for him to get home.

You sent the pictures to his phone knowing he was at the studio.

"I wanna suck the whip cream off you" you said with the smirk and kiss emoji. He texted me back telling you he was turning his phone off because you were distracting him in ways he couldn't control right now.

You set rose petals in the bathroom as you ran a bath putting the bubbles in there. You poured champagne and put on some classic brandy songs.

You bopped my head and sung along to the songs. After about a hour you got out and took nude pictures sending them to his phone once again.

Baby 💞
I want you daddy 😩
Mama you playin to much I'm omw rn be ready
Baby 💞
Ok 😏

Polo pov:
I sped home as fast as I could doing about 100 on the highway I pulled into the driveway opening the door and going into the house.

I went upstairs as I seen you laying down fully clothed and sleep.

"Y/n stop playing and get up" I said as I turned you around.

Your pov:

You stayed sleep as you heard polo talking to you. "I'm tired" you said moaning into his ear.

"You not tired" yet he said as he scooped you up before bringing you into the room and putting you on the bed.

"Arch it" he said while giving you this demonized look which automatically sparked you that he wasn't playing around.

You arched your back while laying on the bed just waiting to see what he would do.

After about 3 minutes you heard him unbuckle his pants.

"Mmm" you said as you felt him rub his cock against your clit. He kept teasing you for a moment before thrusting himself into you.

He slide out before ramming back into you.

"Fuckk" you moaned as he thrusted himself in and out of you.

You gripped hard onto the sheets as you moaned his name louder and louder as he went deeper with each stroke..

"fuck Taurus" you moaned out. "Faster baby" you said while looking back at him.

Polo pov:
"Damn baby" I said as I kept going in and out of you.

Your pov:

"Wait" you said as you looked at Taurus while feeling something warm pool inside of you.
"di- did you nut?" you asked .

"Yes I sure did" he said as he laid in bed beside you.

"I'm not ready to be a mother" you said as you started to get upset.

"Your going to be an awesome one and I want you too have my baby" he said while looking at you.

You smiled as you laid on his shoulder. You gave him a light kiss on the neck and then kissed his lips...

"Goodnight baby" was the last thing you heard before drifting asleep.

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