Ride the wave pt2

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Jamell Pov :
"Baby can you hurry up and get some clothes, I need you so bad I said" while staring into you're eyes. You glanced back at me and kissed me. "I'm almost done bae" you said and picked out some more clothes. I sat back on the bench by the dressing rooms and waited. You dropped a piece of clothing so you chose to bend over and tease me. "Fuck" I cursed under my breath. When you stood up I got up and walked towards you. I leaned down to your ear to whisper to you. "Keep it up y/n I'm gonna fuck you so hard when we get home" i said moving back after I was done. "You got 20 more minutes, I'm going to the food court" I said to you while leaving the store. I went to the food court to get some pizza and set a 20 minute timer on my phone.
*20 minutes later*
I walked back into the store and seen you at the cash register paying. You grabbed you're card back from the lady at the register and she told you to have a nice day. You walked towards me and I grabbed the bags from your hands. "One more store I have to go too" you said. I glanced at you with an irritated look. "You said this was the last one" I said still staring at you. You laughed and grabbed my arm. "It's not funny y/n" I said. I really need you said glancing down making you look down at the bulge in my pants. You slowly dragged you're hand across it causing me to let out a slight groan. "Okay 30 more minutes and I'll be done" you said. "I can't wait" I said turning up the vibrator in you're panties. "Oh fuck" you whined lowly. "Turn it down please" you said. "Then let's go home now" I said. "No" you said and I left the vibrator on the same setting. You put your head into my chest to silence your moans. "Oh fuck I'm cummin" you moaned. I turned the vibrator off before you could cum and you rolled you're eyes and started walking away. "Take dat ass to the car" I said following behind you and we walked to the car. You got in and turned straight to the window. "Baby , why you got an attitude?" I asked but you didn't answer. "Baby girl" I said again while placing my hand on you're inner thigh but you moved it. "Ight bet" I said while starting up the car and driving home. It was silent the whole ride and as soon as we got home you went in the house. I followed behind you and you slammed the door in my face while walking into the room. I heard the lock click while I tried to open the bedroom for. "Baby, why you mad at me" I said and you stayed silent. I leaned my ear against the door and heard a vibrator and soft moans. "Shit" I heard you moan lightly from inside the room. I leaned my head against the door and placed my hand on the doorknob. "Ma" I said and you still didn't answer. "Mama, let me help you. Please." I said. You didn't answer but you opened the door and sat on the bed. I walked up to you and you turned you're head. "Come on baby I know you not mad" I said and still no response came from you. "I leaned down and started to place soft kisses on your neck. I took off you're top and started to kiss your chest and you're shoulder. I played with the fringes of you're bra and you're bra strap before reaching my hands back to unhook it. I fondled you're breast and played with you're nipples. You let out soft moans and I kissed around you're ear. I laid you back and started to kiss down to you're stomach and then you're thighs. Playing with you're panties. I didn't take them all the way off but lowered them to kiss the top of you're pretty pussy. "Baby, stop teasing" you whined. I went back up to tongue kiss you. Playing with you're breast again. I began to rub you through you're panties feeling you getting wetter by the second. "Oh fuck" you moaned softly while breaking the kiss. I went back down and removed you're panties. I kissed and licked you're inner thigh. Inching closer and closer to you're pussy. I licked around your clit but not yet touching it in order to tease you. You groaned and tried to squirm to make to touch you're sweet spot. "Not yet, be patient and stay still" I said while holding you're hips making you stay in you're place. Finally I flicked my tongue slowly against your clit. "Ohh Fuckk" you moaned loudly and threw you're head back. I kept licking slowly up and down. "Faster, fuck" you moaned while moving you're hips around. I flicked my tongue faster while sucking on you're clit. Feeling it pulse as you tensed up closer to you're climax. "Shit Fuckk" you moaned and threw you're head back. I sucked on you're clit till you squirted and I licked up the dripping spots around you're thigh. I helped you sit up and grabbed you're hand. I placed you're hand on the bulge of my pants. "Look how hard you made me get" I said while looking at you. You unbuckled my pants and pulled down my boxers. I turned you over and arched you're back. I rubbed my tip against you're clit causing you to move up a little. "It's sensitive" you said and I smiled. I inserted myself inside of you and started slow. You let out light moans and I started to go faster. Pounding in and out of you going deeper with each stroke. "You feel so good ma" I leaned to your ear and said. You started to clench your walls around me getting tighter. "Fuck" I groaned and you started throwing it back on me. "Ahh shit" you moaned loudly. I felt you reaching your climax as I was reaching mines. You got closer and finally came. I  put in a few more strokes before nutting. We laid down and catched our breath before getting up and taking a nice hot shower. I put on a movie after and laid in bed with you cuddling. My eyes started to get heavy before looking over and seeing you were already sleep. I smiled softly and kissed your lips. I love you, and you I whispered looking at your face and then stomach. Hoping in my mind that you were carrying my child. I started to imagine us as a family while drifting asleep.
Authors note: so I made this one longer and passionate but rough. How do you like it? Vote! And comment.

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