Can't Resist | pt 2

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Btw y'all this is an old chapter idk what I was doing here lol.

Melissa pov:
I came back from the store to see y/n with no clothes on sleeping on top of Khris who was also knocked out.

I dropped the bag just staring at you for a moment all types of emotions ran through me but mostly hurt and anger.

"I can't believe you did this to me" I said looking at both of them who jumped up looking at me.

Y/n pov:
"I'm so sorr-" you tried to say but got cut off by Khris.

"I don't wanna be with you anymore" he said looking at Melissa. She looked back at him with tears flowing down her eyes.

"A-after everything" she could barely let out with her voice cracking.

"Yes I'm sorry" I will always love you but I just can't do this no more he said looking at her. You stood there in shock.

Melissa pov:
I stormed into the bedroom packing some of my things.

I was so hurt and angry I came back into the living room to see y/n just standing there.

I went into the kitchen grabbing a large knife as I walked over to you stabbing you in the leg while covering your mouth.

"You wanna steal my man bitch" I said in an angered tone.

You nodded her no. "You're lying" I said as I stabbed you in the stomach watching the blood come out.

I smiled I wanted you to feel the pain I was feeling in some type of way.

"You tried to take him from me huh" I said laughing as I began to slice under your breast.

"He liked these huh" I said as I stabbed you again in the chest this time I knew it was over.

You stopped breathing as a pool of blood poured out I realized what I had done I had blood all over me.

"Khrissss" I screamed as he came into the living room.

"Help me" I said as I started to cry I don't know what I just did.

He helped me drag your body to the woods and that's where we buried you.

*time skip*

We got home and I cleaned up the blood and took a shower.

Khris had his bags packed like he was leaving.

"Where are you going" I said looking at him. "I'm leaving" he said looking at me.

"No you're not" I said as I pushed him on the bed. "You're never leaving me" I got on top of him.

I grinded my hips on him. I could feel him getting hard as I kept grinding on him letting out light moans.

He flipped me over so that he was on top. He kissed my neck caressing my breast. He traveled up and down my body leaving hickeys wherever he pleased.

He came back up to my ear as I could feel him breathe on my neck. He teased me before inserting himself into me.

I let out a slight shivering moan. He looked up at me as he went even faster.

"Yess daddy" I said while looking at him.

I dug my nails into his back he went deeper with each stroke.

I got back on top of him as I rode him. I felt warm liquid inside of me. I knew what it was and I didn't want kids but I didn't care since I had my tubes tied.

I laid next to him playing with his hair and everything in my mind went blank as I drifted off to sleep.

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