Ybn nahmir

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Y/n pov:
"Hey daddy" you said looking at Nahmir who was just coming in the door.

"Leave me alone" he said while putting his keys down and going into the basement since we had a studio there.

You followed him. "What's wrong" you said while sitting down and watching him. 

"Bitch didn't I just tell your dumb ass to leave me alone" he said snapping at you.

"Shut up nahmir I'm sick of your shit" you said while going to the room and getting your stuff.

He stormed after you. "Where you going" he said giving you an angry look.

"I'm leaving" you said as you kept packing your clothes.

"Go chill with your hoe" you snickered laughing a little. "You think I didn't see those messages?" You asked.
Nahmir pov:
"What messages" I said while looking confused.

"These messages" you said while showing me.

"I don't remember none of that" I said.

"Yea because you were drunk like always. You're even drunk right now" you said while looking at me.

I pushed you up against the wall wrapping my hands around your throat choking you .

"Shut your ass up" I said while looking into your eyes. You gave me a slight smirk.

I put my hands in your pants and slide them into your panties rubbing your clit before inserting my finger into your hole.

"Fu- let me go" you moaned lightly. I took off your shorts and then your panties before placing you on the bed.

Y/n pov:

You tried to get off the bed but soon felt Nahmir come behind you tying your hands the bed.

"Let me go" you screamed. Deep down inside you liked this little game though. He gave you a consenting look. You nodded but kept at being angry.

He covered your mouth and lined himself up with your entrance before sliding in.

"Fu-ck" you moaned while trying to push yourself up but he pulled out before ramming into you.

"Ahhh fuck" you moaned. "So where you going?" He asked as he began to give you deep strokes.

"I-im leaving" you moaned.

"Huh, I cant hear you" he continued to say while speeding up the pace.

"N-owhere" you said while moaning. "Oh ok" he said as he stopped and pulled himself out of you.

He then went up to your neck giving you a hickey and blowing cool air on it.

You bit your lip as he kissed you from your neck to your thighs. He spread your legs as he began to give you head.

You threw your head back trying to hold in your moans but you couldn't as he flicked his tongue faster sending vibrations all through your body.

You let out loud moans. "Fuckk Nahmir" you said while pulling on his dreads. He just smirked as he kept going.

You felt yourself reaching your climax before you came. He licked everything up before he came back up to your face giving you a deep and passionate kiss allowing you to taste yourself.

He carried you to the shower. You let the steamy water hit your body before washing up. You got out putting on a robe and laying in the bed.

You turned around and started to fall asleep. You felt Nahmir coming behind you as he pulled you closer to him placing light kisses on your neck.

"I'm sorry and I love you baby girl" that's the last thing you heard before drifting asleep.

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