Chapter 1

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You shot awake with a gasp, hands patting at your chest as you checked if you were still alive or not. The world was dark and cold around you. Where the hell were you?

It felt like mere seconds ago you were in your bedroom after that short argument with your parents. Your fingers strumming gently at the strings of your guitar before they picked up into a faster pace. But then black mist had appeared from seemingly nowhere, transforming your familiar surroundings into an eerie and smoggy forest.

You stumbled up to your feet, rubbing your hands against your arms to try heat up by even a little. But you had no such luck and decided to simply deal with it as you began walking. The further you got, the less you could see where you came from.

A wooden structure came into view. It looked sorta like a maze at first glance, but once you walked inside you realised it really wasn't. Up against the wall of the structure was a generator.

"What the hell..." You whispered under your breath, approaching the device slowly as you examined it. Suddenly a hand gripped your shoulder, making you spin around and almost shout had you not seen an elderly man with a finger to his lips as he silenced you.

"Dude, what the fuck is going on here? Who are you? Where ar-" You started launching questions but the man just pushed you towards the generator as he took a knee at one side of it.

"Quiet down, would ya? You're gonna get us killed." The man said as he started to work towards fixing the generator. You just watched him in confusion. The guy noticed and looked at you from the corner of his eye, realising he was working alone.

"Okay, look." He sighed. "We're in a different realm, right now. We need to repair generators like these to open a door to get out of here and back to our campfire."

"Excuse me? Different realm?" You said as if he was insane. The man just rolled his eyes.

"Could we talk about this while you help me repair this?" He asked. You'd never even touched a generator before. There was zero knowledge in your brain about how to fix one, though a part of you felt compelled to connect two distinct wires.

You did as your gut was telling you and grabbed onto two different coloured wires, pressing them together a few times and seeing the generator starting up quicker. Okay, that was new...

"I was at home. I was playing guitar and dark fog just randomly appeared and transformed everything around me." You explained, wondering if he knew anything about that.

"Guitar? Huh. Kate might take a liking to you." The man remarked. "The fog took us all. Now we're trapped in this realm with killers trying to hunt us down and put us on hooks."

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down there, buckaroo. Killers?" Your head turned to him fully with an expression of fear. God, why did the world always have it out for you?

"Okay, you know what? We can talk about this back at camp where I can introduce you to everyone. Long story short, there's a killer around here. Avoid them." The man said with a grumble as the generator started to pick up the pace. Within just a few more seconds a loud ding echoed out as the lights above the gen came on.

"Now, we need to move. The killer surely heard that." The man said as he turned around and quietly started to walk away, you following behind him. "What's your name?"

"(Y/N)." You answered calmly.

"I'm Bill. I know it doesn't seem like the brightest plan, but let's split up. There are two other survivors out here: Meg and Steve. They got one gen already, leaving us with three more to complete before the doors are powered." Bill explained before pointing into the distance where a faint blinking light could be seen. It was another generator.

The Shapeshifter: DBD x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now