Chapter 5

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"Claire! What are you doing here?" Leon jogged to the woman as the other survivors backed up a bit, giving the two friends space.

"Leon?" Claire looked up at him in surprise. The two hugged for a few seconds. "What happened to you?"

"I got brought here after I found the Umbrella lab." Leon answered as the two retracted. Even from where you were, you could see the other man next to Claire was giving Leon eyes of curiosity.

"I was- I was in the sewers with a girl. We were attacked by that... thing; the bioweapon. It was about to kill us before this fog appeared. Now I'm here and I don't know where Sherry is." Claire stuttered over a few words, sweating as she tried to explain everything that had happened to her.

Leon looked at her with sympathy before slowly glancing to the other male just as you had been doing. Claire seemed to notice, looking back, too.

"Oh. Remember how I told you I was looking for my brother? This is Chris Redfield." She motioned to her brother.

"So what is this place?" Chris questioned. Assuming the catching up was over, the other survivors split up. Some to go be alone, some to talk. Bill, Claudette, Jill and you stayed behind with the newcomers.

"Hell as far as I'm concerned." You muttered and sighed, walking up to stand beside Leon. Hell was probably better than here. The devil or The Entity... You'd ask which was worse, but they seemed like the same thing.

"This is (Y/N)." Leon patted your shoulder, shaking you a bit as you awkwardly smiled at the Redfields. Chris waved his hand once in a quick greeting before both Bill and Jill pulled him into a separate conversation.

"Claire Redfield." The woman grinned at you, offering a hand. After a second of hesitation you shook her hand, wildly overthinking the gesture and worrying about if you were shaking or gripping her hand too hard. Wait, were you? Ah, fuck.

"Nice... jacket." You spoke the first thing that came to mind as your eyes traveled to the red leather. Leon tapped his finger on your back. You knew he was silently telling you how awkward you were being.

Claire very audibly laughed at you. She didn't even try to hide it, rather raised a hand to her lips to try control herself. "I'm sorry, it's just the way you said that. Thank you."

"I'm guessing you and Chris already had a trial?" Leon assumed. Whenever someone was brought to the realm, they were usually put into a trial first thing.

Claire nodded. "Had to fix generators which I'd never done before. Oh, and there was this giant samurai guy who was trying to kill us."

"Yeah, a lot of the guys around here tend to do that." You said. To say you hadn't been here longer than maybe a day or so, you felt very at ease. But speaking of killers...

"Wait a second." You turned to look over at Claudette as she stood idly and listened to the conversation. "Why did nobody tell us that the killers had a camp nearby? Me and Leon ended up mere inches from being brutally stabbed by this Michael guy over there."

"Myers? Wait, you went over there?" Claudette asked with a worried expression. "I'm sorry. I guess the topic never really arose." You accepted her apology without a second thought since you knew the girl was kindhearted. But if you had a diary you'd still be scribbling at least one angry entry onto the pages.

"And how come there are so little killers over there? There was only him and another masked guy; called himself Evan. A surprisingly polite guy to say he's probably killed a bunch of you guys before." You had your doubts that the guy was actually as lax as he was. Probably a scam to lure survivors into a false sense of security.

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