Chapter 3

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The world around you shifted and morphed. The darkness that once covered you slowly slips into a lighter tone. Snow crunches beneath your feet and your sight starts to focus.

Compared to the creepy and nerve-racking forest from the first trial, this was pretty tame. It was quite sunny and it was snowing. A single lodge sat in what you assumed to be the middle of the area with a bunch of wooden structures around the outskirts.

You had spawned inside one of the structures. A window rested behind you, a generator to the left and a pallet in the corner. Your first instinct was to get on the generator and start fixing it like you had learnt before.

Things went well for the first few seconds before someone suddenly ran in front of you and grabbed onto the front of the gen, scaring you to death.

"Leon!" You said a harsh whisper as the blonde looked at you with a confused expression.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"Don't do that to me. Good lord." You exhaled deeply, hoping the killer didn't hear your exclamation.

"Sorry. Thought you heard me walking over with the snow and all." He shrugged. Okay, he had a point. The two of you sat working on the gen for half a minute before the need for conversation struck you.

"You and Jill know each other? You both seem well acquainted." You asked but kept your eyes on the gen.

"Not really. We're from the same realm but we've only got a mutual friend... sorta. But I never met her back then." Leon explained.

"Guess that makes sense. You got any useful perks?" You switched to a different question.

"I can heal people silently. I can make flashbangs, too. But I need to complete 70% of a generator." He answered.

"Oh, so it's like mine with the generator progression. Wait, we're both able to do it at the same time on the same gen?" That sounded a little overpowered in your mind.

"Well, when me and Jill first arrived, the more of us on one generator, the less progression towards our perks. But I think The Entity changed something about that a while ago." Leon said, pausing his work on the gen to wipe his nose as the cold made it start to run.

After a while the generator pinged as it was fully repaired, giving you both the clear to start moving. Leon ran ahead while you followed loosely behind. The blonde moved alongside the lodge as he ran to the other corner of the map to find another generator.

The faint echoing tremors you'd learnt was a "terror radius" started to ripple through the air, making your hands jitter with unease. Now, your hope was that the killer was just chasing someone else nearby. But that theory went out the window when a man in a smiley face mask launched over a window of the lodge directly in front of Leon.

You froze in place as Leon literally slid to a halt as the killer stood an inch away from him. In an instant the masked man raised his knife and slashed Leon, causing the blonde to cry out and sprint past him.

"Holy fucking hell of ass." You mentally screeched. Okay, maybe you'd be okay. Leon was wounded, so he'd go after him and give you the chance to find a gen-

The masked figure's head slowly twisted to face you, ignoring Leon completely as his knife stayed raised up. Never mind!

You bolted in the opposite direction, running back the way you came with newfound adrenaline. At least on the bright side the killers didn't talk, right? No need for added bullying and taunting like in some of the horror movies you'd seen.

"You think you can run away? Hmph, dumbass." The killer said with a hint of amusement. Well, there went that idea. Actually, the guy sounded quite young. Probably around your own age.

The Shapeshifter: DBD x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now