Chapter 30

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"Wow." Steve hand his hands on his hips as he stared at the cove of luscious looking water in front of him. How the hell could Kate have told (Y/N) about this before him? Beside him were both of them, along with Sam and Leon.

"Bit of an odd thing to find in a world of depression like this one." Leon noted, crouching down and dipping a hand into the water. After a few seconds he lifted it up and shook he liquid off. Seemed safe enough.

"I'm not complaining." Sam hummed.

"Kate goes out for a walk and finds a cove. Me and Leon go out for a walk and we run into Myers." (Y/N) joked, stepping up along the rocks and looking down into the water. Unbeknownst to him, Steve was creeping up behind him. And as he turned to look at everyone, the man pushed him forward.

"Oh, you mother-" (Y/N) exclaimed before hitting the water and going under. There were a lot of chuckles from the rest of the group as Steve held his hands up in victory. (Y/N) burst back up to the surface, narrowing his eyes up at Steve.

"You're a dick." He growled. Now he was soaked. His shirt was... His shirt? Wait, what.

As he felt down his body, not only had his shirt disappeared, all his clothes had. In their wake were what seemed like swimming shorts. Did the Entity just do that? Weird...

"Sorry, what? I can't hear you from up h-ERE!!!" Steve's smug tone devolved into a shriek as Kate pushed him in next. The hopeful songbird sang out in a mischievous chuckle as Sam and Leon just stared at the scene.

Steve shook his head side to side, wiping water from his eyes as his clothes also changed to swimming apparel. "No fair!" He whined.

"Are they always like this?" Sam turned her head to Leon. He just sighed and nodded. The two entered into the water slowly, followed by Kate hopping in.

"Where did the swimming stuff comes from?" (Y/N) looked at everyone as the same thing had happened to them. Kate adjusted the bikini top that had appeared around her, biting down on her tongue for a second before shifting her hair away to look at the man.

"No clue. It just kinda happened when I first got in the water when I found this place." Kate shrugged.

"I wish it was this easy to find stuff in my size back at home." Sam said, a little surprised.

"I wish it was this easy to find tropical looking locations back at home." (Y/N) rolled his eyes. If he could say anything about the UK, it was fucking terrible in terms of weather. You'd never find a place like this there, but once in a blue moon.

"How you doing, anyway?" Sam asked, her arms swishing through the water to keep herself afloat as she moved to hang onto one of the edges of the water.

"Yeah. I heard things got a little heated earlier." Leon nodded. He was in a trial at the time, but when he heard about the confrontation from Claire, he was more than infuriated. He was on (Y/N)'s side through and through.

"Good, I'm just mad at myself for being the bigger man and not swinging at him." (Y/N) huffed in self annoyance. He moved over to the side of the cove the same way Sam had. Kate and Leon both moved to his left while Steve moved between him and Sam.

"It's a shame you didn't. Maybe it'd humble him. It certainly worked for me." Steve said, looking off into the distance.

"Worked for you?" Sam rose an eyebrow. Steve sighed as he recalled the time he got his ass kicked by Jonathon Byers. It was after that when he quit being a total asshole.

"Long story short: I used to be a dick. Now I'm not." Steve mumbled with a shrug.

"Debatable." (Y/N), Leon and Kate said in unison. He immediately glared at them as they began laughing.

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