Chapter 17

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"Fucking hell!" You practically screeched as Quentin rounded a corner and nearly slammed into you. It was trial time. Hooray! The realm seemed to be the same as the one you faced Danny on. But this time there was no creepy statues and no shrine. Instead there was a big Japanese manor that looked like it had gone through hell.

"Sorry, sorry. You okay?" Quentin apologised profusely. He sidestepped around you to get to a generator you hadn't seen at first. The two of you were inside the manor together, but there was a no sign of the other two survivors.

The place could certainly my use some renovation. It had clearly been in disrepair for a while. Splinters of old wood were scattered across the hard floor. Many of the walls were damaged by scrapes and tears, some that allowed sight outside if the walls were thin enough.

In the front room, you had managed to get a small glance at shards of glass that covered the floor. Almost as if someone had fallen from the partition above.

"Hey. You just gonna stand there or are you gonna help?" Quentin asked in a mix of seriousness and comedy. You snapped out of your thought and quickly helped him repair the generator.

As you connected some of the wires together in an attempt to start the machine, your mind began to wander again. You couldn't help but feel like this place reminded you of someone. You couldn't quite put your finger on it.

"This place gives me the creeps. The sooner we finish this, the sooner we can leave." Quentin let off a shiver as he tore his sight from the generator to take a look around the decrepit room.

"Gotta agree with you on that. You think Zarina and Leon spawned together?" You asked.

"Maybe. Then again, they might've split up to work on different gens." Quentin shrugged. The sound of a shout echoed through the trial and reverberated off of the manor walls. Someone had been injured. "That's a problem."

"Well, it's certainly not a blessing. You able to go help if I finish this up?" You raised an eyebrow. Quentin gave a firm nod as he rose to his feet. He quickly scrambled out of the home in a jog, going off in search of the injured right as Leon's aura lit up and the man yelled out again.

"Damn. I didn't expect Leon would be the one to go down first. Especially so soon." You thought internally. Leon was one of the best survivors you'd met. Both in a friendly way and in terms of his capabilities in trials. The killer must be tough to take him down that easily.

Just as you got to the final lap of finishing the generator, something was starting to bug you. Leon's aura was still visible. It had been for a while. Why hadn't he been hooked yet?

The distinct sound of wind whooshing made your ears perk and your eyes squint in confusion. You even looked up from the generator and to the ceiling as if it was the structure's integrity making the noise. But that idea flew out the window as a ghostly moan echoed through the room and a sword manifested together, click by click.

Rin swung her sword upwards towards your face as you jumped backwards in fight or flight. And folks... you were halfway to a heart attack, so it was doubtful you were doing any fighting any time soon.

Her sword clipped a few hairs from your fringe, but other than that she had cut air as you hit the wall in shock. The killer's hand reached out, grabbing you by the neck and slamming you into the wall with ferocity as she held the weapon back for a second attack.

But the woman paused as she got a look at your face. Her killing intent faded quickly as she looked almost as scared as you were.

"(Y/N)?" She tilted her head at you, eyes wide as she didn't realise who she was attacking.

The Shapeshifter: DBD x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now