Chapter 24

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"They went where?" Cheryl questioned, sounding a little too shocked than she had hoped. Kate just looked at her with a squint before repeating herself.

"There's a cove nearby, so I asked if they wanted to go walk there." Kate motioned off towards the forest to emphasise her point. (Y/N) looked fairly bored and tired, so she gave him something to do. It's just a shame Laurie and Mikaela went rather than her.

Half of the survivors were around the camp now. Most of them were just relaxing after getting out of trials.

Cheryl intertwined her fingers together, just nodding as if the news was silently distressing. That wasn't really the wrong idea, either. She wanted to go see the place with (Y/N) too.

"How do you just know there's just a cove lying around?" Zarina furrowed her brows. It was odd for Kate to only bring this up now. 

"I've done a little exploration in my free time." The other woman shrugged. It wasn't like there was much else to do. It was either, talk, sleep, walk or play the guitar.

"Our little (Y/N)... all isolated with two babes at a pool." Steve faked tears, laying back across the ground lazily. He was only a tad bit jealous. Cheryl hummed and stared at him.

"What are you implying?" She asked timidly, jittering around every so slightly. Steve sat up with a sigh.

"Well, you see, Cheryl. When a man and a woman find themselves alone and interested in one an-" Steve began with a casual tone.

"Oh, my god, Steve." Nancy pinched the bridge of her nose. She kicked him in the leg and he exclaimed as if he had just been shot. He grabbed at his calf and started to whine.

"That's assault!" He exclaimed. The woman just rolled her eyes. This wasn't her first rodeo with him and it wouldn't be the last. Cheryl was still on alert after hearing Steve's words. Was he serious? (Y/N) had been rather protective over Laurie when he found out Jake left her to die.

She backed up, facing the campfire and staring into the crackling flames. Her thoughts ran rampant as she thought on the matter. But by falling into her mind, she failed to notice the figure creeping up behind her.

In one fluid motion, Cheryl was wrenched back as a hand grabbed her by the hair. She yelped in pain, catching everyone's attention. As Frank held her tightly.

"Where's (Y/N)?" He snarled, his free hand clenching his replacement knife given by the Entity. The survivors were brought onto their toes, chests thumping as they realised what was happening.

"Hey, let go of her!" David shouted, taking a step forward. Frank pressed the point of his blade against the girl's head, daring him to come just an inch closer.

"I'm gonna pass." Frank responded, pulling back harder on her hair and forcing tears from her eyes. How did he even get in here? Killers weren't supposed to be allowed in the camp.

"Look... just- just leave her alone. She didn't do anything." Claire held up her hands slowly. She was on her feet immediately when she saw the younger girl in trouble.

"I-I didn't!" Cheryl agreed, her voice shaking from the pain in her head.

"Do you think I care? He took something from me, so I'll take something from him." Frank chuckled to himself. Claudette nervously stepped to the side, closer to the two from some perspectives.

He looked upwards at the group. His eyes flicked from Dwight, to Jill, to Zarina, to Yui, to Ace. Then he looked over Leon and Claire. "It's a shame he couldn't be here. Tell him I send my regards."

The man reeled back his arm as he pushed Cheryl to her knees. His knife positioned towards the bottom of her jaw and he jutted it forwards as to impale her through the neck.

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