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(Anyone new who's not looking for a straight MC, my other dbd fic follows a bisexual reader)

In a moment of frustration, your hand flew outwards and took hold of your school bully's head, slamming his face straight into the steel, green lockers. Thomas's skull made a sickening crack as he collided with the metal, being pulled back towards you as you planted your knee straight in his ribs, causing the nearby crowd to audibly wince.

This had all started when Tom pulled you aside in the hall to slur you for whatever stupid reason. On a normal day you would've ignored him and walked away. But this morning you just so happened to get into a fight with your father about your grades, making your mood dim and thick.

You grabbed Thomas in a headlock, sweeping out his legs and throwing him across the ground towards the group of students who were watching. The crowd stepped back as Tom slid into the middle of them, completely out of it from the first head slam.

Some people cheered while others looked on in shock. It wasn't like you cared. If others were going to treat you differently then why should you give a fuck what they thought of you?

"Hey! Come on, out of the way." A masculine voice pushed through the crowd. You knew who it was in an instant: Coach Anderson. He was the coach of the lacrosse team and he was more than intimidating to most.

As the Coach got through the crowd he stared down at the concussed Thomas before slowly looking up at you with a furious expression. You only met it with your own glare, reaching down to pick up your guitar bag you had put down earlier and slinging it over your shoulder. You stepped over Tom as he groaned, pushing past the Coach and the crowd as you just wanted to be alone.

"Hey! (L/N), you get back here now!" Anderson shouted as he watched you leave. Your only acknowledgment to him was the few seconds you flipped him the bird without looking. 'To hell with this school. To hell with these people. ' You thought as you stormed out the doors to the school.

When you got home you were greeted by the sight of your mother and father at the door with disapproving gazes. Your mom told you the Principal had called them about what happened, but you didn't give her any more than five seconds to speak before you walked past her and headed for the stairs.

"Where do you think you're going? You get back here right now, (Y/N)!" Your mother called out as you ascended the stairs without a second thought.

"Don't walk away, buddy. Listen to your mother." Your dad spoke next as you reached the top step.

You didn't even humour him, immediately entering your room and slamming the door behind you. The frame rattled from the force.

You didn't need to see either of their faces to know they were probably just disappointed in your actions. As usual. God, you couldn't stand them.

You threw your guitar onto your bed before falling onto the mattress, too. The world held nothing for you. Everyone was telling you what you should do and what rules you had to follow. It was idiotic.

With a murmured swear, you opened your guitar bag and took the instrument out. Fingers grazing the strings. Who would've thought your only friend would be a piece of musical equipment...

You strummed a tune which you associated with the start of a song you liked. Be Alright by Dean Lewis. You weren't in the mood for vocals at the moment, so you stuck to the music. You wish Jack was here... Or even Liz. One had moved into a dorm since his college was so far away (you didn't even know dorms existed in this country) and Elizabeth was on vacation with friends.

As much as your little sister annoyed you, the two of you had something in common: hatred for your parents. While they were hard on you for being held back in school, they were just as mad at her for her choices in college courses.

"Honestly. Just leave the girl alone." You thought with narrowed eyes. You sat and just played music for at least half an hour to try calm yourself,

After some different songs you put your guitar down, stretching and taking a deep breath. You reflected on the last couple weeks. They hadn't been good to you, but at this point, how could it possibly get worse?

A chill ran down your spine just as you thought that. It felt like the room just dropped down to negative degrees. A thin fog appeared from the corners of the room and slowly thickened, making the room slowly disappear.

"What the hell...?" You muttered as your surroundings darkened, suddenly you felt like you were falling. The air was too thin to breathe in easily and the mix of fear and panic made you pass out suddenly.

The Shapeshifter: DBD x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now