Chapter 23

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(Y/N) took a big breath of air as he awoke in a mist of dark fog. His hair stood on edge as goosebumps arose on his arms. He gathered himself onto his feet with numb hands, rubbing them together to try form some spark of heat.

"Now where am I?" He thought more rhetorically than anything. After being swept back and forth between trials and camps, he had just given up being surprised by new surroundings.

A clicking sound passed through the fog like a Predator stalking Arnie. It was unsettling. (Y/N) scanned the world as he slowly spun in a circle, trying to find whatever was making sound.

In the darkness, clawed limbs collided together, wrapping around each other into a humanoid form. The thing skulked forward and the fog receded just enough for (Y/N) to make out the features.

A twisted looking woman with long white hair. Blood stained the locks and coated her skin in blotches. Her eyes were pure black with red irises and sharp Entity claws curved from their fingertips.

"What the fuck..." (Y/N) whispered. He instinctively started to back up to escape the creature shakily walking towards him. But before he got far, a single claw exited the mist below him and grabbed his ankle in restraint.

His eyes widened in horror when he realised his situation. The woman hummed as she stared him down with a predatory yet interested expression. But even though this thing showed feminine features, the sound that left her throat was gruff and dry as if she hadn't drank water in days.

"Don't run." Her words weren't as much a plead as they were a command. (Y/N) went still. The woman's eyes gleamed as she got closer to him. Her hand outstretched with her needle likes fingers fluttering in anticipation.

(Y/N) squeezed his eyes shut as a single claw inched towards his face. The woman slid her finger down his cheek and seemingly admired something about the sweating, nervous wreck in front of her.

"You're so much more pretty up close..." She whispered, pressing her face against his neck and inhaling deeply. "You smell good, too. It makes me hungry."

"I'm flattered." (Y/N) tried to sound comedic, but his voice shuddered. "Just who are you?"

"Oh, asking that question huh? I thought that was reserved for you." The woman chuckled. "I suppose I do look different in this form. I thought maybe it'd scare you less."

"Well, that already failed." He whispered to himself.

"Surely you remember me. All the times I've taken your friends and dragged you into trials. You must have heard my name." She tilted her head. It was then that a thought hit him like a train.

"Entity...?" He said more to no one as he really thought about it.

"In the flesh." The woman smiled wickedly.

"Have you brought me here to... kill me?" (Y/N) asked warily, his heartbeat spiking.

"Now, why would I do that?" The Entity leant in so far her breath hit his cheek.

"I- I've been breaking your rules. I killed a killer, I stole from another. I've not been killing many survivors."

"Rules are made to be broken. Do you know why I put you through trials?" She asked, earning a head shake. "I feed off the emotions of you and your little friends. Hope for escape is delicious. So is the fear of death."

"But you... you bring that to a whole new level." A black tongue slipped between the lips of the creature, running along her lips. "With your songs and your loyalty. You bring so much aspiration that I can't get enough of it."

The Shapeshifter: DBD x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now