Chapter 20

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The world around you formed into a long street of houses, littered by pieces of trash on the ground and cars stopped dead in the road. You didn't know the place, but it gave you some seriously creepy vibes.

You had spawned at the end of the road beside a concrete barrier. Within a few seconds, you began patting yourself down to try figure out who you had automatically been disguised as. Judging by the clothes, you had your suspicions you were Tapp. That meant you knew one survivor who was in the trial.

Walking along to the pathway, you looked at the buildings at your sides. Some of them were blocked off and the doors were barricaded by wooden planks. Others had no door at all and gave complete access to the home.

You stopped outside one of the houses as a sign caught your eye. It was placed just outside of a blue home, one with only one window you could see boarded: that being the top right.

The sign read: Strode Realty. Would that imply this is Laurie's realm?

"Hey. You gonna keep staring or are we gonna get to work?" You turned around to see Jill with a hand on her hip, staring at you with interest. If Danny thought Claire was a tomboy, you'd kill to know what he thought of this one.

Knowing Jill was the one to fend off Nemesis in her own realm, it made you have second thoughts about even attempting to go after her.

"Sorry. Got distracted." You said in a stern tone. What good was a disguise if you couldn't play the role?

"Didn't think you got distracted." Jill hummed, walking up and entering the Strode house as you followed behind her. You didn't want to drag things out after the last time. Time was everything.

And so, when she was ascending the stairs, you revealed your knife, flicking it open before grabbing her ankle with your free hand.

"Hey! What do you think you're-" Jill cut herself off with a loud exclamation as you dragged her back and caused her to tumble down the steps. Your blade caught her back as she did, injuring her before she hit the bottom floor and rolled.

"I really don't wanna do this. I'm sorry." You apologised as the woman crawled back, trying to get to her feet as blood dripped down to the floor below her. The woman's confusion was dismissed when your disguise shattered away.

"You're the one Kate was talking about." Jill acknowledged. She stood up, unconsciously groaning from the wound she had suffered.

"Guilty as charged." You spoke, unintentionally sounding very calm about the situation. But that was probably a good thing. Keep a hard exterior and lock the empathy up for the moment. Laurie already found out about you being a killer, you didn't need anyone else figuring something was suspicious.

"You don't look like much." Jill taunted, a snarky smile on her face as she backed out of the door. You followed her out in the same slow pace, spinning your knife around your fingers.

"Can we do this the easy way? I don't wanna hurt you." You said. The two of you had about two meters of distance as Jill now stood on the sidewalk and you stood on the outside porch.

The woman let out an amused snort, locking eyes with you. "I wouldn't stress about it." She spoke before bolting off in the other direction. It took you a second to gather the energy to bother chasing her.

You followed her across the street and down along a fence, taking a second to glance around at where all the generators were. The ability to see their outlines was so odd, but you weren't complaining one bit.

"Come on, you creepy-ass stalker!" Jill's voice brought your attention back with narrowed eyes.

"There's no need for name calling." You huffed. The woman rounded the back corner of a house and you followed after her, running directly into a pallet as it was dropped down against you. "Son of a-"

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