Chapter 4

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A/N: I've spent quite a while checking both the DBD and RE lore while writing a lot of interactions in this because I'm terrified of getting timelines mixed up here and who knows who. So just keep that in mind and please don't hurt me if I mess up xd.

"You didn't waste a second in helping Cheryl." Leon patted your back as the two of you walked through the forest that surrounded the camp. After the trial everyone had been gossiping as usual. It's not like there was anything else to do unless you were Kate and somehow had an acoustic guitar in this limbo.

"What can I say? She's cool. You, too." You nudged his arm as the two of you chuckled. For a few seconds you wondered about earlier. Dwight and David had been put into a trial. Just the two of them. It had your thoughts swimming during the walk with Leon.

"Don't flatter me. But, seriously, you're doing really good. We could've used someone like you back in my world." Leon said with an almost disappointed tone as he reminisced.

"If you don't mind me asking. What was your world like?" You ducked under a branch. The fact Leon wore a police outfit made you all the more curious.

"Well, it was good. Then everything just sort of went downhill. First day on the job and I was dealing with a city undergoing a zombie apocalypse." He pointed to the words "RPD" on his chest. Zombies? You could've sworn Bill said something about that, too.

"Sounds more interesting than mine. I just had to deal with very judging parents and friends. You had the whole horror movie vibe going for you. What happened anyway?" Your eyes wandered as if you would find something of interest over just the trees.

"I dunno. After finding the abandoned laboratory that the people who created the virus owned, I ended up being pulled into here by the fog. I wonder if Claire ever made it out alive." Leon tapped a finger on his jaw as he thought.

"Girlfriend?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, far from it. The day I got snatched by The Entity was also the day I first met her. If anything there's someone else I'm more interested in, but that doesn't matter." He coughed into his hand rather than elaborating more. You didn't bother to push on the matter.

The two of you continued walking for a little while. Eventually you did find something, though. A rocky trail appeared before you both. You would've fallen over if Leon hadn't caught your shoulder as you tripped over one of the stones.

"What the hell is this? Have you seen it before?" You looked from left to right.

"No, not this one in particular. There's a path back at camp, but I've never followed it. This must lead somewhere though." Leon said as he stared. The path looked like it lead to nowhere, but if it didn't then it wouldn't be there.

"Left?" You both suggested in unison. Flashing a smirk at one another, both of you took off down the trail.

"What about you? Anyone you were interested in back in your world?" Leon asked.

"Honestly, no. I hated everyone back there. Only thing I ever liked was music. Find me a cutie though and I'll be all over 'em." You yawned and waved him off with a hand. Even if you didn't despise everyone, not many women peeked your interest, and the ones who did you never really spoke to since you had a lot of bigger things to deal with.

"Well, if you ever need a wingman." Leon joked, making you snort in amusement.

"I'll be sure to remind you of that statement when I need you." You chuckled. The two of you broke conversation as a fire glowed in the distance. At first you thought it was the camp, but the closer you got, the more you realised there were no other survivors around.

The Shapeshifter: DBD x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now