Chapter 32

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"Let me go!" Claire thrashed against the hand around her neck. You immediately removed it, lightly pushing her against the wall as you hung your head and bit your tongue. Why did it have to be her? Of all the people you could be in a trial with...

Claire seemed a little surprised by how quickly you had honoured her request, but as her eyes ran over your appearance, it was as if the gears in her had clicked into place. You were the one who had helped them against Legion.

"Of all people. This wasn't accidental. God, damn it." Those were among the things you were mumbling to yourself in anguish and pain. Claire was in a mix of shock and curiosity as she watched you.

You released the woman, crouching down to pick up your knife as she quickly slid away from you. Her head looked off towards where you had hooked Ace, then back to you for a second.

This was going to happen at some point or another. You should've been prepared for it. Eventually you were going to run into her and the other closer friends of yours.

Claire didn't seem to think much on the matter as her focus switched back to helping Ace. She could tell you were distracted, so she'd use the opening. She ran outside and to the hook, helping Ace down as you slowly followed outside and watched the scene.

Ace quickly headed down the far stairs and made a run for it, leaving Claire to stand and wait to be chased. You approached, making her move closer to the nearby pallet. But rather than turning left towards her, you went in the direction of Ace.

"H-Hey!" Claire exclaimed, trying to get your attention. You weren't having any of it. If it was avoidable, you weren't attacking her. You made your way down the metal stairs, just barely seeing Ace slip inside a doorway and back into the building.

Before you had a chance to pursue, Claire leapt over the railing above, landing in front of you with a small grunt from the impact. You'd give her one thing: she was damn persistent.

"Come on. Chase me, not him." She clenched her fists as if tempting you. It was more amusing than anything. You stepped forward, lightly moving her to the side with your arm and earning a confused hum from her again.

"No." You said simply before starting to follow Ace again. But Claire suddenly grabbed you by the wrist. In a surprising motion, she managed to spin you around and back towards her.

"Let's talk about this." She said optimistically.

You sighed loudly, grabbing onto her jacket and grabbing the bandages in her pocket. Claire stopped before speaking as she watched, intrigued. Knocking her hand off your wrist and grabbing hers, you walked around her and grabbed at her other hand.

"What are you doing?" She asked in more curiosity than fear. But as you hastily wrapped the gauzes thickly and harshly around her wrists, she clicked on. Her hands were bound together and you grabbed her bridal style to carry her to the nearby corner. Then you set her down.

"Stay." You pointed at her, unintentionally coming off as if speaking to a pet. You knew for a fact she wouldn't listen, but at least you could say you tried. Using your power, you disguised yourself as Claire herself, making her hum in surprise.

"You can't-" She tried to sit up, but only managed to fall further down into her back and arms.

"If you're good, I'll let you escape at the end." You spoke as if talking to a child. Claire furrowed her brows in irritation, but you didn't stick around any longer and headed indoors.

There weren't any scratch marks, so you assumed that Ace was long gone. Even worse, a generator dinged in the distance. This was going to be a drag...

The Shapeshifter: DBD x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now