Chapter 26

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This 'put the survivors in a trial while they're sleeping' shit was starting to get on your nerves. All you wanted to do was take a quick nap at the killer's camp, which thinking about it was a damn stupid idea. You didn't trust someone like Freddy around you if you were asleep.

Long story short: you'd been thrown in a trial with Claudette. Fuck knows who else was here, you had spawned with the other woman. Now, all in all, that wouldn't be too bad. Where your problems rested was the map.

Sure, you hadn't seen a lot of them in your short time here, but judging by the stares Claudette was giving, she didn't recognise it either. It was a huge looking lodge; bigger than the one in Ormond by a large margin.

The few windows you could see from the top of the huge wooden stairs revealed cold snow and ice outside that even more so reminded you of the Legion's home.

"This does not look very survivor friendly." You peered down one of the halls as Claudette hung close at your side. There looked to be a lot of dead ends, but as the two of you went to check it out, there were holes in some of the floors that lead down. Ladders in some that lead up.

"I've never been here before." Claudette stated, walking down to peer to the floor below through the big busted hole. There was a generator down there...

"Lucky. This place gives me the creeps." You admitted. Every little creak that the foundation gave made your heart start skip roping.

"I don't even think RPD is this bad." Claudette debated whether it was worth it to drop down to the generator or not. Having no knowledge of this realm, it was a bit risky to go in blind.

RPD? The place Leon talked about? It couldn't be that ba- Oh, actually... Zombies. Yeah, you'd admit that didn't sound nice. You glanced down at the generator again before taking a step back in preparation to jump down. The woman waited for you first.

"Hey." A hand grabbed your shoulder and you immediately spun around and backhanded the person out of sheer instinct. It was a man and he reared back, a hand on his face as he gasped.

"What the hell, man?" He asked in a hushed voice. You'd never seen this guy in your life, but he was accompanied by a girl at his side. She glanced at him as he rubbed his face, only smirking in amusement as she turned to face you and Claudette.

"Look, after a week in this place, you tend to do that a lot." You apologised. By 'do that a lot' you more meant making instinctive decisions rather than the slapping part.

"Who are you guys?" The blonde woman asked, looking between you both.

"Claudette. (Y/N)." Claudette motioned to herself then you. This seemed like a really bad idea to be exchanging names while in a place you didn't recognise and while being hunted by a killer.

"I'm Mike." The man said, finally removing his hand from his face as if getting over the pain. You could've sworn you didn't hit him too hard anyway.

"Samantha." The girl spoke her own. Then her eyebrows shuffled as a thought came to her mind. "Hey, have you guys seen any of our friends?"

"Cant say we have, and I can't say we will. Look, we're gonna have to talk about this some other time." You quickly said as your nerves began to twitch on edge. You weren't getting jumped by Michael or even Danny because you were stood around chatting.

Without even waiting to hear from any of them, you hopped down to the lower floor through the hole. You motioned them down as you got to work on the generator.

Claudette came down first, followed by Samantha. The former helped with the generator while Samantha turned to look up at Mike.

"Come on." She called up to him. The man bit his tongue as he debated how he was going to take the fall and if he could trust these people. But after the day he had been through before waking up back on the floor of this lodge, he didn't really care.

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