Chapter 28

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(Y/N) awoke on his feet back at the survivor camp. Eyes locked onto him quickly. Most of them were in surprise and a lot held undisclosed information. A few conversations came to a close as they saw him.

"(Y/N)!" Steve was the first one over to him. He grabbed his friend in a surprising hug, patting his back and smiling at him. "Where've your been, buddy?"

They really liked grilling him for lies, didn't they? Eventually he was gonna run out of using the same excuse. Others started to stand to come check him out. Bill, Claire, David, Cheryl, Ace, Feng, Kate.

"After me, Laurie and Mikaela went out for that walk, I thought something was up so I started coming back..." He began, making a lot of faces drop. Especially Cheryl's as she looked the other direction. They thought he didn't know what had happened. It almost made him want to chuckle.

"Then I got dragged into a trial. So..." He could rather easily use that one. Laurie and Mikaela didn't see him after he left and the others didn't see him return. The times would line up... Probably.

"Oh..." Steve just nodded, accepting that reason.

"What did I miss?" (Y/N) looked between everyone with a purposefully enthusiastic expression. Everyone tensed up. A few inhaled sharply, thinking it a touchy subject. Cheryl swallowed her fear of him worrying and stepped forward.

"Um... Well, after you left... One of the Legion got into the camp and tried to kill me because of what happened back in Ormond." She flicked between eye contact and the ground. She was fine and well, but really didn't want him to do anything rash upon the news.

Now he just had to play it off. Which wasn't difficult as he just had to think back to the scene to reignite his fury.

"What the fuck did you say?" His eyes darkened. Sweat rolled down the girl's face at that.

"It's fine! Honestly! I'm fine. A-Another killer saved me." Cheryl's voice shuddered as she recounted what had happened. (Y/N) looked between the other survivors, waiting for someone to chime in.

"It was the same one who spared Laurie and Jill. But I still don't think he's trustable." Bill spoke in a gruff voice. Very few of them trusted him. They were completely caught off guard when Jill said she went to talk to him.

When she came back telling them that he quote 'didn't want to hurt them' outside of trials, many called bullshit.

(Y/N) reached out a hand and patted Cheryl's hair, ruffling the blonde locks side to side as she looked up with a dark tint on her cheeks. As the girl thought that was it, she was quickly pulled into a hug by the male.

"I'm just glad you're okay." He said honestly. If the girl had been hurt anymore than she was, he would've done a lot more than just beat Frank. That son of a bitch would be dead. "I'll give the killer my thanks if I see him."

Claire lightly pushed the two apart as she came to lean on (Y/N)'s arm. Cheryl looked at her with a naive scowl, causing the other woman to stick out her tongue without any attempt at hiding it. A couple of the other survivors stepped back and scattered around as they watched the scene. They were still within earshot, just not up in their face.

"So, how was the trial?" Claire asked curiously. Her head rested against his shoulder and he sighed at how touchy she had just suddenly become after that interaction with Cheryl. He was blind to the thoughts running through her mind. One of which was the fact she remembered the killer patting her head in a similar way to what (Y/N) just did.

They seemed very alike in a way. It was interesting. Excluding the fact that killers were murderous and vile, while (Y/N) wasn't. At least in their eyes.

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