Chapter 34

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A shrill scream echoed out through the killer's camp, making many of the residents jump in surprise. All the way from the soft yet deadly Yamaoka girl to the rifle wielding Caleb to the animalistic and threatening Huntress.

Everyone's heads turned as they hadn't even noticed (Y/N) return from his trial. He was knelt down on the dead grass, hands clutched around his head in claw shapes as if he was exerting stress through more than just his voice.

One hand left his head as he punched the ground hard, slicing it open hand on the cold and tough dirt. Next was his head slamming against it as if it would bring him some kind of comfort.

What the fuck had he done? No. What had the Entity done? He killed Cheryl. Not even sacrificed. Killed. In cold blood. All that he could think about during it was how much he wanted to spill her blood.

His stomach flipped upside down as he felt the urge to vomit. His nerves were stabbing themselves from the stress and his eyes were soaked with sweat and tears.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Joey looked back and forth between the killers and (Y/N) as he ran over instantly. He didn't know what had happened, but he didn't care. All that mattered was (Y/N) was injuring himself and was clearly distraught over something.

"(Y/N)!" Rin sprang up to her feet, followed by Danny as his head clicked to the situation in realisation. Even Amanda and Caleb were up and checking on him.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" (Y/N) shouted louder and louder each time as he broke down and slammed his knee into the floor next.

"Dude, what happened? What's wrong?" Danny knelt down at his side. For once he was out of his comedic attitude as he actually worried for his friend. He might have been a murderer, but he wasn't a psychopath. He could still feel empathy.

"I killed her..." (Y/N) whispered. His eyes unblinking as he stared at the floor. It might have hurt them, but he deserved it. He deserved anything and everything that was coming to him.

"Killed who?" Caleb asked, leaning on his weapon as he looked down at the man.

"I said I'd protect her..." (Y/N)'s voice shuddered from the emotional crash he was experiencing. His hand grabbed at the knife on his side as his teeth sank into his lip, drawing out a river of blood.

"(Y/N)." Rin saw the injuries he had inflicted upon himself and her heart fell. But that increased by tenfold as suddenly the man jutted his knife upwards towards his own neck in a regrettable action of his currently shaken brain.

"No!" A few of them howled out as they watched the blade about to cut into his flesh. But suddenly a bright neon knife came swishing through his hand, making him drop his weapon with little more than a wince.

He deserved that. It was just a shame Ji-Woon didn't aim for his head. He was a liar. He betrayed his friends. He was a murderer.

"What is going on here?" Ji-Woon's Korean accent made his words sound almost broken. He wasn't the best at English, and that was clear.

"Cheryl. Was it Cheryl?" Danny caught on as he seemed to guess who he was grieving over. It was a fairly simple process of elimination. The blonde was the only 'innocent' slash naive one. If he killed her, it'd leave a lot more of a mark than if he did so to the others.

A weak and dark nod came from (Y/N). Danny sighed. He didn't even need to guess to know this was the Entity's doing. If the killers ever refused to kill, they would be influenced by it. They would be much more violent and cooperative. But of course, it wasn't a great feeling to be subjugated, so it taught them to play the Entity's games without question.

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