Chapter 12

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1st Person POV

I'm genuinely surprised that The Entity didn't drag anyone into a trial while we slept. Well... while most of us slept. Quentin was still struggling to keep his eyes open when I awoke.

Everyone else looked completely out of it. A few faint snores came from Dwight who was draped over one of the logs. If everyone was still asleep, I didn't really have much to do.

Though, it makes me wonder... are the killers awake?

Yes, I know, I know. My friends are here. I've been trying to get back to them since I killed Danny. But, there were still people over there I wanted to talk to. They weren't all that bad...

Take Rin for example. She seemed like a really nice girl to say she was a killer. And as much as I hated to admit it, Danny wasn't all that bad. And since I had nothing else to do until the others awoke...

I crept over the sleeping forms of the other survivors, biting my tongue as every step felt like I'd wake someone up. Quentin looked way too distracted and drowsy to notice me leaving.

Just as I made it to the edge of the campfire, a small moan left Cheryl and I watched her roll over in her sleep. It was damn terrifying.

"(Y/N)." I could've sworn I heard her mumble my name... Never mind.

I just kept walking out towards the forest, finding the path to the killer's camp in record time and taking a stroll.

Laurie's POV

I glanced through my slightly closed eyes and just watched as (Y/N) maneuvered his way past everyone else. I've had a suspicion of sorts about him.

Maybe I'm just crazy. As usual. Just the paranoid babysitter: Laurie Strode. But even so, there was something that seemed off about him. Now he was walking away? To where? I wanted to know.

After a brief pause from him when Cheryl began sleep talking, he continued on into the forest and I finally opened my eyes wide. I was a little too hasty in climbing from the floor to follow him, leading to me very nearly standing on Zarina.

I could see the faint outline of where (Y/N) was heading, so I followed loosely behind. I didn't really want to be seen and have to explain why I was stalking him. This seemed like an odd reversal of roles.

2nd Person POV

You skulked into the killer's camp and instantly raised an eyebrow. There were two people that were in my immediate sight. One was Rin, who was seated on a fallen tree as she looked up at a large man with a red mask and samurai equipment.

When I stepped further into the camp, my outfit morphed into my killer garments in an unusual sweep of particles. Guess that was just a thing now.

As you approached, Rin's head turned towards you and turned into a warm smile. "(Y/N)." She greeted. The man in front of her looked over with crossed arms. A small bead of sweat ran down your cheek as the other man's gaze felt heavy on you.

"Rin." You nodded to her, stopping at the side of the log. She slid down a little. Just enough so that you could sit down beside her. You seated yourself, your right arm pressing against her cold left.

The Shapeshifter: DBD x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now