Chapter 11

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When you opened your eyes, you were sat up against a tree. The smell of burning wood indicated of a nearby campfire, as did the sight of the roaring flames.

Your heart settled down when you saw the other survivors gathered around talking. Kate was among them, so you assumed the other three from the trial would be there, too.

That damn trial was terrible. You'd hurt both Kate and Quentin... and Jake. Speaking of which, you could hear an argument in the distance. Jake was sat on one of the logs as Quentin and David stood around him. The rest of the survivors were just watching the drama.

With a groan, you rose up to your feet. You began approaching the group with a slight stumble as your legs were a little numb. The first person to notice you was Jill, her eyes catching you in the corner before she turned to look at you.

"(Y/N)?" She squinted. Her words apparently caught the attention of others. You watched as Cheryl and Steve both turned to you with bright eyes.

"Oh... hey." You hadn't thought up much of an excuse as to where you'd been. But right now you were just happy to see everyone.

"(Y/N)!" Cheryl practically shouted, running over and grabbing you in a tight hug. Everyone's eyes switched to you as her words echoed around. Suddenly the group of people who had been listening to Jake, David and Quentin were crowding around you.

"It's so good to see you!" Steve said, standing at his side and putting a hand on your shoulder. You awkwardly smiled at him before someone was at your other side.

"Where've you been, son?" Bill asked curiously. You lightly moved Cheryl back a little, holding a hand under her arm as she looked up with the same wonder. There was the big question... Might as well come up with something that sounds kind of plausible.

"I guess The Entity doesn't take too kindly to a survivor killing a killer. When everyone went back to the campfire, I was just sort of... left alone. How long have I been gone?" It sounded plausible. Then again, it was coming from your mouth, so you had no clue. But judging by everyone's expressions, they seemed to buy it.

"Maybe a day or so." Claudette spoke up.

"You've missed a lot. There's a new killer." Cheryl said, looking up at you with those big innocent eyes of hers. You smiled at her before pausing as you realised she was talking about you.

"Ye'. An' this bastard left Laurie t' die." David piped up, glaring at Jake who looked unbothered. Laurie was sat on the grass away from mostly everyone. She looked deep in thought, but still glanced up at Jake as if to figure out why he had left her.

Recollecting what Jake had done brought back the anger you had built up towards him.

"What was I supposed to do? I'm a survivor. I survived. Would you rather I went out of my way to be the star of the show and protect everyone like her." Park eyed Laurie, making her shake her head and look away with a scorning face.

You gently pushed the people around you away, taking a step away from the group as you stared Jake down. "You were going to let her die just because you were safe?"

"She only got caught because she was protecting you. Take some responsibility." Quentin clenched his fists at Jake's smug and uncaring aura. It was good to know you weren't the only one infuriated.

"Funny. I could've sworn you appeared back here before her. That means you left her, too." Jake locked eyes with Quentin. "And I assume that means she saved you, too."

Quentin held his tongue as he thought for a moment. He had indeed run away when Laurie had told him. Maybe he should've stayed to make sure she was okay.

The Shapeshifter: DBD x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now