14. Affixation

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Hi, Apa kabar kalian? Semoga kabar baik ya.

Today i want to share with you about affixation in Bahasa Indonesia.

Affixation in Bahasa Indonesia means Afiksasi or Afiks or well-known as Imbuhan is a word element used to alter the meaning or form of a word and it comes as a prefix, a suffix, an infix,  or a confix.

Type of imbuhan

• Imbuhan based on the position :

1. Awal (Prefix)

me- : me- + tulis (to write) = menulis (writing)
meng- : meng- + gambar (to draw) = menggambar (drawing)
ber- : ber- + lari (to run) = berlari (running)
ter- : ter- + akhir (the last) = terakhir (the last one)
pe- : pe- + sayang (love/care) = penyayang (caring)
di- : di- + makan (to eat) = dimakan (eat by)
ke- : ke- + kasih (love) = kekasih (beloved)

2. Akhir (Suffix)

-an : makan ( to eat) + -an = makanan (food)
-kan : kata (word) + -an = katakan (say it)
-i : hormat (respect) + -i = hormati (respect)

3. Sisipan (Infix)

-el- : -el- + maju (go) = melaju (move)
-em- : -em- + tali (rope) = temali (rigging)
-er- : -er- + suling (flute) = seruling (flute)

4. Konfiks (Confix)

ke-an : ke- + ramai (crowded) + -an = keramaian (crowd)
ber-an : ber- + gugur (fall) + -an = berguguran (fall)
pe-an : pe- + kerja (to work) + -an = pekerjaan (profession)
per-an : per- + kata (word) + -an = perkataan (words)
se-nya : se- + cepat (fast) + -nya = secepatnya (as soon as possible)
me-i : me- + warna (color) + i = mewarnai (coloring)

• Imbuhan based on loan word

1. Arabic

-i : surga (heaven) + -i = surgawi (heavenly)
-wi : manusia (human) + -wi = manusiawi (human)

2. *Sanskrit (this type commonly used to a person's identity)

-man : seni (art) + -man = seniman (artist)
-wan : sejarah (history) + -wan = sejarawan (historian)
-wati : wisuda (graduate) + -wati = wisudawati (graduates)

FYI : -wan also can be used for describing male. it's the pair of -wati. for example : wisudawan (male) and wisudawati (female) both of them means a graduates. but there's no sejarawati, in other words, -wan is having two functions.

3. English

-if : deskripsi ( description) + -if = deskriptif (descriptive)
-isme : nasional (national) + -isme = nationalisme (nastionalism)

*Sanskrit or Sansekerta is a classical language of South Asia belonging to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European languange.

Here's the sources i use for this chapter (in case you want to check it out) :

1. https://dosenbahasa.com/macam-macam-imbuhan

2. https://www.zenius.net/prologmateri/bahasa-indonesia/a/278/kata-berimbuhan

Also, i want to tell you that there's can be more affixes but i think those i explain in this chapter are mostly used in daily. I hope you learn something after this. feel free to ask me anything in the comment section.


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