Apa kabar? It's been a long time i know. I hope you're all in a good condition! I'm going to make a triple update for the next 2 chapters. But in this one we are going to learn pronounce indonesian number. If you're feel confused about how to say the letter you can go to the fourth chapter about Indonesian alphabet pronunciation.
Let's get started!
A. Satuan
1 = Satu (Sa - tu)
2 = Dua (Du - wa)
3 = Tiga (Ti - ga)
4 = Empat (Em - pat)
5 = Lima (Li - ma)
6 = Enam (E - nam)
7= Tujuh (Tu - juh)
8= Delapan (De - la - pan)
9 = Sembilan (Sem - bi - lan)
10 = Sepuluh (Se - pu - luh)B. Belasan = Dozens
11 = Sebelas (Se - be - las)
12 = Dua belas (Du - a - be - las)
ect.For dozens number, 12 - 19 you just need to add "Belas" behind the first number written with spacing. Example : 13 = Tiga belas.
C. Puluhan = Tens
20 = Duapuluh (Du - wa - pu - luh)
21 = Duapuluh satu (Du - wa - pu - luh - sa - tu)
22 = Duapuluh dua (Du - wa - pu - luh - du - wa)For tens number, 20 - 90 you need yo add "Puluh" behind the first number written without spacing. Then you can add the name of the second number if necessary.
D. Ratusan = Hundreds
100 = Seratus (Se - ra - tus)
200 = Dua ratus (Du - wa - ra -tus)
300 = Tiga ratus (Ti - ga - ra -tus)E. Ribuan = Thousands
1.000 = Seribu (Se - ri - bu)
2.000 = Dua ribu (Du - wa - ri - bu)
3.000 = Tiga ribu (Ti - ga - ri - bu)Some punctuation in math
(+) Tambah
(-) Kurang
(÷) Bagi
(×) Kali
(=) Sama denganOkay, that's enough for number. I hope you learn something new. Time to go to the next chapter! :)
Learning Bahasa Indonesia
Non-Fictionhello! here, i wanna tell you some knowledge and how to learning Bahasa Indonesia. Hope you guys enjoy and learn something after read my book! 25th November 2021 #28 at Indonesia #40 at Education