16. What Time Is It?

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Apa kabar? semoga kalian selalu baik-baik saja. I'm pretty hectic with college lately i'm sorry for the late update.

This is will be a short chapter... i guess? We are now going to learn how to ask and saying times in Bahasa Indonesia. Let's get straight to the point.

Some vocabularies when we talk about time :

Past = Lebih
To = Kurang
Quarter = 15 menit
Half = Setengah or 30 menit
O'clock = Tepat
Second = Detik
Minute = Menit
Time = Pukul
Hour = Jam
Clock = Jam
What time is it? = Pukul berapa sekarang?

Fyi : The synonyms (formal = daily)
Tepat = Pas
Pukul = Jam
Lebih = Lewat
Pukul berapa sekarang? = Jam berapa sekarang?

Now, let's see how to apply it in a sentence

It's 6 o'clock = Pukul 6 tepat = Jam 6 pas

It's 5 past 6 = Pukul 6 lebih 5 menit = Jam 6 lewat 5 menit

It's quarter past 6 = Pukul 6 lebih 15 menit = Jam 6 lewat 15 menit

It's half past 6 = Pukul 6 lebih 30 menit = Jam 6 lebih 30 menit / Jam setengah 7

It's 25 to 7 = Pukul 7 kurang 25 menit = Jam setengah 7 lebih 5 menit

It's quarter to 7 = Pukul 7 kurang 15 menit = Jam 7 kurang 15 menit

It's 5 to 7 = Pukul 7 kurang 5 menit = Jam 7 kurang 5 menit

It's 7 o'clock = Pukul 7 tepat = Jam 7 pas

lastly i have some vocabularies for general times for you!

Morning = Pagi
Afternoon = Siang
Evening = Sore
Night = Malam
Dawn = Fajar
Dusk = Senja

That's enough for this chapter. I hope you learn something new today. Feel free to ask me in the comment section or through my DM if you have a question!

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