In this chapter i want to share with you about school vocabularies. Anything that you can find at school. More specific, Indonesian school. Also, i will give you a try to read a paragraph in Bahasa Indonesia about what we have learned so far. I write it in formal
Let's get started!
A. Ruangan [The Room]
1. Sekolah = School
2. Bangunan sekolah = School building
3. Ruangan = Room
4. Ruang guru = Teacher's room
5. Ruang kepala sekolah = Headmaster's room
6. Ruang kelas = Classroom
7. Ruang Tata Usaha (TU) = Staffroom
8. Kamar Kecil = Toilet
9. Kantin = Canteen
10. Ruang Bimbingan Konseling = Guidance and Counseling room
11. Ruang laboratorium = Laboratory
jelasin macam2 lab di sklg negri indo12. Perpuskataan = Library
13. Aula = Hall
14. Ruang OSIS = OSIS's room
FYI : OSIS (Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah) is an organization for students in school area. In English it's commonly known Student Council.
15. Lapangan = Field
16. Halaman Sekolah = School's Yard
17. Masjid = Mosque
18. Laboratorium = Laboratory
19. Unit Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS) = School's Health Clinic
B. Civitas Akademika
Note : Civitas Akademika means a group of people involved in education and research activities. It can refers to lecturers, employees, and students.
1. Siswa = Student
2. Guru = Teacher
3. Kepala Sekolah = Headmaster
4. Wakil Kepala Sekolah = Vice Headmaster
5. Petugas Kebersihan = Cleaning Service
6. Penjaga Perpustakaan = Librarian
7. Satpam = Security guard
Halo! Nama saya Alaska. Saya 20 tahun. Saya kuliah di Politeknik Kesehatan Semarang. Hobi saya membaca dan membuat prakarya. Saat ini saya sedang membaca buku Library of Souls, Mockingjay, dan Ancika. Ancika adalah novel lokal dari Indonesia karya Pidi Baiq. Saya suka sekali buku itu.
Hello! My name is Alaska. I'm 20 years old. I study in Semarang Health Polytechnic. My hobbies are reading and making some arts. Now i'm currently reading Library of Souls, Mockingjay, and Ancika. Ancika is a local novel from Indonesia written by Pidi Baiq. I really love that book.
Learning Bahasa Indonesia
Non-Fictionhello! here, i wanna tell you some knowledge and how to learning Bahasa Indonesia. Hope you guys enjoy and learn something after read my book! 25th November 2021 #28 at Indonesia #40 at Education