Asylum AU info (read first!!)

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The Asylum AU is a bit graphic, as there are descriptive torture scenes and vicious language. Self-harm and suicide are mentioned a lot, so trigger warning for that! There is no sexual assault, rape, or any sex-related topics. The farthest gone is dirty jokes, but they're mild. I personally recommend ages 12+ to read, anyone younger may not understand or be able to tolerate some of the scenes. You have been warned! This AU is for fun and is not to be taken too seriously! I understand that some topics or diagnosis may be unrealistic, so I am sorry for that! In this AU, there are no romantic relationships (boyfriend and girlfriend type relationships). They are all simply just friends. You can gladly ship characters though, if they aren't illegal or abusive! C: This is simply just a summary. The actual storyline will be much more detailed, so stay tuned!

Main plot

The Asylum AU is simple. Bendy and the others are all in a mental asylum for different reasons. In this universe, they don't know each other. They are put together in the same room as roommates and eventually warm up to each other. It's a normal facility, with lounges and comfy rooms. However, they have a dark secret. A cold and crowded basement for the "problematic" patients. The basement is dirty and filled with inhumane "treatment" methods, including random injections and shock therapy. The staff that work in the "happy zone" are nice and patient. The ones that work in the "scary room" are mean and nasty. Patients who are thrown into the basement are often isolated with very little sunlight, food, water, and basic hygiene. They could be in there for a week or longer. The longest a patient spent in there was two years. In the "happy zone", patients are given fun activities, therapists, comfy sitting areas and bedding, great food and beverages, and are treated with respect. The patients in the "scary room" are treated like pests. They are locked up all day, given dirty water, fed disgusting food, and are neglected. They are often abused as well, both mentally and physically. They aren't referred to as their names, but as their numbers. An example would be "Patient 56". The only way to get into the scary zone is to constantly cause trouble and not follow directions. Back to bendy and the others now! The goal is to get out of the asylum and be free. Bendy believes that he doesn't deserve to be locked up. After some persuading, the others join in. They constantly try to escape, but that doesn't end well. They may not make it out alive...


Each patient wears a different color night gown based on how extreme their diagnosis is. Blue is recovered, green is mild, yellow is average, orange is bad, red is extreme, and purple is considered untreatable, or unable to ever recover. Orange, red, and purple are on the danger scale. The ones who wear these colors and advised to be avoided or approached with extreme caution. They are typically watched over more and are given more therapy. They are the colors that appear in the scary room the most. Purple is the rarest color, since barely any patients get that bad. Purples are either feared or respected. They are usually isolated, but will sometimes be put with roommates. Blue, green, and yellow are on the safe side. These colors are often treated better and given more freedom. Because of how different each color is treated; it causes a lot of aggression between them. Here's more about the colors!

Blue: if a patient is wearing blue, they are considered mentally sane enough to return to society. Blue patients are most likely waiting to get a release date, or waiting for their release date to come. They are considered the most normal and calm. They can be trusted with sharp objects and even get to go outside to play! No blue has ever been put in the scary room. They are the second rarest color, mainly because most blues don't stay long.

Green: if a patient is wearing green, they are still recovering but are getting close. They aren't as calm as blue, but are still easy to handle. Only a few are trusted with sharp objects, and are rarely let outside. There has only been one green recorded that had seen the scary room. The rest of them are too well behaved to be put in there. They are the most common color.

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