Beginning Of Summer Break

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I clutched onto my trunk as I ran through the Hufflepuff common room.

I quickly ran through the painting, rushing through the corridors, and bursting through the doors of the great hall.

I yelled at the top of my lungs looking around.

I then see Hermione holding her with Crookshanks. Cha cha quickly runs over to me and jumps in my arms. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"THAT'S A LETTER TO MRS. WEASLEY JORDAN." Professor McGonagall yelled while standing up.

My eye's widened instantly. I went to protest but I'd only dig my hole deeper.

I quickly walked over to my twin Lee and sat down next to him. I sat Cha Cha down next to me before giving her a piece of bacon.

"Great now that's all we'll hear on the way to the burrow." Lee said while shoving eggs in his mouth.

I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry Lillith, she was meowing when I woke up in your dorm so I took her down with me.." Hermione said giving me a sympathetic look.

"Don't worry it's okay" I smiled at her sweetly. I grabbed a glass before pouring apple juice in it considering I hate pumpkin juice.

Mid way drinking I got a huge wack on the back of my head. I started choking on the verge of death!

I turned to see a carrot head named Fred Weasley looking down at me smirking. "GOOOOOOD MORNING LILLYYYY!" he said picking me up spinning me around.

He does this every. Bloody. Morning.

He finally set me down. "I hate that you do that." I said squinting my eyes at him. "That sucks." he said before picking Cha Cha up and sitting her in his lap as he sat down.

I pushed my glasses up before sitting back down now in between Lee and Fred.

"Goodmorning Fred" Lee said not even looking up from his plate. "Morning Lee" Fred said before George sat opposite side of Lee.

"Hello everyone" he said taking a peice of bacon off of Lee's plate eating it.

Lee rolled his eye's at this.

I blanked out at the conversion going on around me. I was super excited to head home to the burrow.

My parents threw Lee and I out last year for reasons I still don't know. And ever since we've been staying with the Wesley's.

Lee and I met the twins first year and ever since we've been inseparable. To the point we all have to hear from eachother atleast twuc a day or we all panic.

Lee is older then me by two minutes. But I don't mind because those last two minutes made me the hotter twin.

Lee has far much more darker skin then as I am not as dark considering I'm not to fond of the sun. I have long curly hair, along with freckles and glasses.

I stand a womping 5'8 as Lee stands at 6'0 and the twins at 6'1 I may be the shortest but I am the coolest.

I blink out of my gaze and put some eggs on my plate to eat. I look up to see George eyeing Lee down. Kinda creepy.

I shrug and start to eat.

Time skip

I quickly put my trunk above my seat before sitting down with Cha Cha on my lap.

Fred sat down next to me while opposite of us was George and Lee.

"Can I hold her?" George asked me motioning to Cha Cha. I nodded before before placing her in his lap.

I sat down adjusting my jeans to be more comfortable. I took my hair down from my clip. I then placed my feet on Fred's lap while laying down.

"Is this really all I'm good for?" Fred said as he messed with my shoe laces. "technically yes" I said taking my glasses off.

"Get ready to hear a lecture the whole time in the car." Lee said slouching. "What do you mean?" George said scratching Cha Cha.

"Lilith came into the great hall yelling FUCK and now Molly is getting a letter." Lee spoke as if I did something wrong.

"In my defense I couldn't find Cha Cha" I said sitting up. "Good job. Don't blaim that on us again." Fred said glaring at me. I scoffed taking my feet off his lap.

"She won't be that bad." I replied crossing my arms. "Don't bull shit it she will be." George said rolling his eyes.

"fuck you guys." I muttered while pulling my legs to my chest. "What?" Lee said sitting up. "I have to use the restroom." I replied standing up walking out of the compartment.

I huffed as I walked into the restroom. I quickly used it cleaning my hands and all.

I walked back to the compartment to see them still mad about it. What a bunch of piss baby's. It's not that big of a deal.

I picked Cha Cha up from George's lap and grabbed my trunk. I glaired at them before walking out of the compartment.

"hey!" I heard a voice say I turned to see no other then Luna Lovegood. I walked over to her noticing Ginny, and Neville sitting with her.

"May I sit?" I asked raising a brow. She smiled nicely nodding her head. I sat down putting my trunk once again above the seat.

"Why aren't you with the boys?" Ginny asked giving me a confused look. "Because they're all upset about this morning." I said sitting down.

"oh well they're lame anyways." Neville said making me smile.

After awhile of us all chatting the train came to a stop. Ginny and I locked arms walking out of the train looking for Arthur and Molly.

Ginny quickly spotted them pulling me with her. "AWWW MY GIRLS" Molly said pulling us into a hug. I hugged back tightly considering I missed her so much.

I pulled away hugging Arthur. Molly looked at me sternly. I sighed knowing what was coming. "No reading for a week." she said crossing her arms.

"No reading?! BUT-"  "No buts lillith." she cut me off. I nodded looking at my convers.

"After everything I can atleast expect you to not speak and act like that." she continued.

"That's embarrassing. For not only yourself but us." she added on. Then it went silent.

"Here come the boy's!" Arthur said waving in a direction. The boy's greeted Molly and Arthur before we walked to the car.

We put all of our trunks in and I quickly got into the car. I sat next to the window. Cha Cha laid in my lap.

Fred sat next to me. I could feel his gaze on me but I didn't look back I just looked out the window.

He moved his hand to pet Cha Cha but I quickly slapped it away. I sent him a glair before looking back out of the window.

I felt his breath on my neck. Before I could move away he spoke. Well whispered. "Cut the fucking attitude.". I scoffed. "No." I said rolling my eyes.

Lee was sitting on the other side of him but he was passed out. I felt Fred pick my hand up and intertwined it with his. Whenever he was sorry instead of saying it he would hold my hand.

I sighed before placing my head on his shoulder. He placed his head on top of mine and I quickly fell asleep wanting to just be home.

Some time passed and I felt Fred shaking me I opened my eyes and groaned.

"Come on Jordan." he said still shaking me. "Yeah, yeah." I said climbing out of the car with Fred behind me. I saw the burrow and I quickly ran towards the house.

I ran inside running up to my tiny but cozy room. I swung the door open before plopping on my bed.

I turned my head to see Cha Cha walk in and plop as if she just got shot. Lazy cat. I was finally home.

I feel like this one kinda sucks but it'll get better :D I hope

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