Forgiving Isn't Forgetting

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I close the door letting out an awkward sigh. I turn to walk away when I feel myself being pushed against the wall.

Fred has pinned me against the wall. He's close. I can feel his hot breath on my lips.

I gulp not knowing if I like this or should I stop it.

I make eye contact with him finally. I instantly look away.

"Let me go Freddie" I said trying to move away. He doesn't budge. Instead he grabs my chin making me look at him.

"Say that again darling." he said inching closer to my face. My breath hitches at his choice of words. Why does he want me to repeat it?

"Freddie. Let me go." I said this with confidence. It's obvious it's a front. But maybe he doesn't? Hopefully he doesn't see it's a front.

"I'm so incredibly in love with you. And before you say anything I was technically forced into doing the dare. But I enjoyed every second. Being able to hold you and even kiss you was the most incredible thing I could've ever experienced."

He pauses taking a breath.

" I know. I'm a complete ass hole for telling you this right now when you probably hate me. But just please talk to me again. I can't stand the way you look at me anymore. I miss you so incredibly much. "

He finished and before I could respond he smashed his lips onto mine with no hesitation. He grabs my waist pulling me more twords him.

I slowly close my eyes letting myself kiss him back. The lips that once spoke beautiful words are the same one's that spoke the nastiest of things.

I wrap my fingers in his hair pulling him closer to me. Now that I'm kissing him I've relized I missed him so much more than I thought.

His lips are sweet but I know they're laced with poison. The poison that have me utterly in love with him.

But how do you forget something like that? How do you look at them and not automatically remember what they did?

Those were questions for another time. I want to enjoy this. Even though I shouldn't be enjoying it. But I want to. So desperately.

I come to my senses pulling away. He let's me take a few breaths but then reconnects out lips.

Why can't I stop kissing him?

Why is Fred Weasley so addictive.

I pull away again out of breath. He goes to move in again but I stop him this time.

He opens his eyes looking at me. He looks worried about what I'm going to say.

I feel tears fall from my eyes. Fred quickly wipes them away as I watch his Adam's apple move.

"Don't cry.. Please don't cry over me princess." he cupped my cheeks kissing my forehead. I shake my head.

I finally relize that I've forgived him. I just can't forget it. I can't move on from it.

"Fred I forgive you but I can't forget it" I say quickly removing my self from his arms.

I feel my heart drop as I quickly walk down the stairs.

Fred starts to call out my name but I keep walking. I don't know what I want right now honestly..

I quickly run up the stairs to my dorm. I open the door. Turning to shut it Fred quickly stops me.

Sorry it's so short <\3

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