Nurse Molly

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All I hear is ringing.

Now muffling.

It's God. I'm going into the light I can see it.

"George get away with the marker."

"Shut up Ginny she would look better as a man"

"George give me that"


"ow what the fuck Fred"

"Oh shut up you had it coming"

"Sure thing Ronnie"

"Do you guys ever stop talking"

"Says you Harry, you really let it all out earlier"

"Whatever Lee"

"Move you pest"

"Sorry mum"

I started to open my eyes. I fluttered them open letting out a groan. Everyone is standing over me. I really did die.

"Finally your awake" Lee said giving me a warm smile.

I looked up and remembered what happened. I sat up slowly.

"Oh dear lay back down" Molly said pushing me back down.

I gulped and layed down.

Molly started rubbing my forehead with her hand. She let out a sigh looking down at me.

"George go get me a cold rag. Ginny get her a glass of water. Ron get her medicine. Harry go get her blanket and a pillow." Molly said.

As she gave orders everyone started running around.

"Are you hungry dear?" Molly asked taking my hand into hers. I nodded.

I'd do anything for her cooking.

She rubbed my cheek "Okay come along Lee I'll need your help" she said standing up and walking out of the room.

I look around and relize im on the couch in the den. I rubbed my eyes.

"Are you okay" Fred said. I jumped a little. I didn't relize he was here. I nodded.

I don't feel like talking right now. He crouched next to me. I moved to my side so I could look at him. He started to rub my cheek.

I nuzzled into his hand and smiled. He's always so warm. My cheeks are cold so this feels nice.

I shut my eyes. I felt his lips kiss my forehead. My whole body heated.

Maybe I should faint more often.

Everyone then walked back into the room.

"Shove over" Harry said. He drapoed my blanket over me. I lifted my head so he could place the pillow behind my head and he did.

George put the rag on my head. Ginny gave me water as Ron came running down the stairs.

"Mum said to take this" he said handing me a pill. I took it and swallowed it with the water Ginny gave me.

"Thank you" I said softly. Molly and Lee came in with an egg sandwich. Molly placed it on my lap. I took the rag off placing next to me.

"Okay eat up." she said pulling my hair back. "Thank you" I said giving her a warm smile. She nodded.

I took a bite. I basically started shoving it into my mouth. I'm so hungry. Ginny came behind me pulling my hair into a low bun.

I continued to eat. Once I finished I downed my water. I smiled and turned to everyone.

Everyone started laughing at me. Why now.

Fred grabbed the rag next to me. He took my face into his hand. He was laughing as he cleaned my face.

"It's not funny." I said sending a glair to everyone in the room. "For you" Lee said still laughing.

I looked at George sitting right next to him. I gasped. Omg

They did the dirty. I know it.

"What's wrong?" Fred asked. I turned his head to face the two. He also gasped.

Twin telepathy

Lee looked into his lap blushing while George had a big smirk on his face. Busted.

"That's disgusting." I said faking a shiver. "Agreed" Fred said pretending to gag.

"What is?" Molly asked raising a brow. Now. Do I tell her and watch the two get bashed? Or should I be a good person?

A good person considering I already got George in trouble. "Fred's breath" I said grinning. I got a nudge on the arm from Fred but everyone else laugh atleast.

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