A Little Prank

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I can't even stand the view I'm getting right now. Lee and George are sitting across of me being flirty.

Lillith walks in sitting next to me. I feel myself smile. I've missed being around her. I'm happy she's letting me atleast be her friend.

"Hi carrot head" she says as she grabs a peice of toast. "I find it awfully disturbing this sight I have to witness" I say shaking my head.

Lillith's head turns twords me quickly. "So you think I'm ugly?!" she spits at me.


"Calm it. I'm talking about those two infront of us." I roll my eyes at her comment. Ugly? Seriously?

"Oh so you think I'm ugly?!" Lee said to me crossing his arms.

"Yes, yes I do" I smile at my remark.

"That means you think I'm ugly. We're twins idiot." Lillith said smacking the back of my head.

All I could see was George giggling to himself. I kick him hard in knee watching him wince in pain.

"Lillith just got the better looks. Like me" I smirk at George who is glaring at me already.

Lillith looks at me with an odd look. Should I have not said that?

Ring ring

Thank you bell for saving me.

We all stand up grabbing our book bags. We start walking to our first period. After winter break they switch the schedules. They mix up the grades for a week also so the younger students can "follow" in example.

It's honestly stupid.

I think they accidentally put us all in Potions. After fourth year we caught professor Snape's hair on fire. Ever since Dumbledore banned us from being in the same class.

Well all of us together.

We walk in sitting in the same row. Lee, George, me, Lillith. There is one seat left by Lillith. Harry sits next to her.


"Hi Lillith!" he says sitting next to her. I roll my eyes just at the sound of his voice.

Don't get me wrong I've always seen him as a little brother considering he was always with Ron.

But he clearly likes Lillith.

"Oh, hi Harry." Lillith responds pulling him into a hug. I roll my eyes again. I hear laughing next to me.

I turn to see Lee and George laughing. This is funny to them? Of course it is why wouldn't it be.

I flip them off before running my fingers through my hair.

Snape walks in dramatically with his cape flowing behind him. I smile turning to George. He puts his hand in his pocket.

Pulling out a farting beans. I nudge Lillith. She looks over smiling at what's in George's hand.

Lee smirks as we all sit back in our seats. Snape goes to talk but then he sees us.

"No. I will not be doing this. You all will separate." he says storming over to us.

"Why is that Professor?" Lillith said with a gasp. Snape scowled at her before looking at all of us.

"Don't act like you don't know." Snape said with clear hatred.

"Mmm no I don't actually. Do you guys?" George looked between all of us with a confused look.

I shrugged along with Lee.

Snape looked between us and turned back around. He starts to begin his blabbering about potions.

He then excused everyone to get ingredients. He sat back down at his desk drinking some iced coffee.

He only ever drinks ice coffee's. It's honestly weird. Most guys drink hot coffee. Not my problem.

We all stand up giving eachother a look and smirking.


George hands me the bean. As he walks up to Snape's desk. Lee, Fred and I start making our way up. Harry tagging along looking awfully confused.

I see Snape stand up and George following him. I take my chance and drop the bean in his drink.

I quickly run back to Fred and Lee grabbing ingredients.

He all laugh quietly as we walk back to our seats. "What have you all done" Harry says as he sits next to us.

"Just sit back and watch the show ol boy" Fred says sitting back in his seat.

I stand up to actually do the assignment. I love a good prank but I also love good grades.

I throw in a bat wing along with squeezing the juices of a bean in.

I start to stir it. I look up seeing George and Snape walk back in. George has a book he probably didn't even need.

George walked back to us smirking. He sat down next to Lee. I sit down in my seat feeling excited to see what happens.

I start to squirm in my seat. Maybe a little to much. I feel a warm hand get placed on my thigh. I look down seeing the hand belongs to Fred.

I feel my cheeks heat. I stop squirming and sit back in my seat. I can feel Fred's smirk on me.

I roll my eyes at him before turning back to snape. He takes a sip of his coffee bitting some of the ice.

He looks at the cup like it was funky. I can't help but let a smile form on my face. He takes another sip of it before placing it back down.

I turn my head to them seeing they're all smiling.

I grab into Fred's hand squeezing it getting excited to see Snape's reaction. We all waited.

Then there was a loud fart rumbling sound making the class go quiet.

It's silent for a second until another fart sound comes from Snape.

His face flushes. I can't help but burst out laughing. Fred, George, and Lee began to laugh aswell with the rest of the class.

"I KNOW IT WAS YOU FOUR" Snape said standing up.

"IT'S OKAY, WE ALL GET A LITTLE GASSED UP!" Lee yelled making me laugh even harder.

Snape begins to storm to us. I quickly stand up along with the rest as we all start to run out of the classroom.

We're all giggling like little kids. "GET BACK HERE." We hear Snape yell.

We run faster turning the corridor running into Professor McGonagall. Crap.

I gulp as she looks at all of us.

"Now what have you four done now." she says crossing her arms.

"We haven't done a thing." I said at our defense.

I give her a fake smile. I see the slightest smile on her face. Until we heard another loud fart.

Her smile dropped and her eyes widend. We all bursted out laughing. We quickly ran around her as we could hear a very angry Snape.

We ran back to the Gryffindor common room. We run up to my dorm. I close the door. We all finish out laughing.

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