The Mall

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"WHAT DID YOU DO TO LILLITH!" Lee was screaming from the other side of the room. I rub my eyes and look up.

"What?" I said sitting up in my bed. "I WALKED IN HER ROOM LAST NIGHT AND SHE WAS CRYING. I KNOW IT WAS YOU." Lee continued to yell at me.

"she was crying?!" My eye's widened and I jumped out of bed immediately running up the stairs.

Shit I didn't mean to make her cry. I felt guilty and thought she would've felt better if I just let her leave. Oh God she's going to hate me. Bloody hell.

I quickly opened her door to find her still asleep. I walked over to her. She's so beautiful..

I wish I wasn't such a dick otherwise I'd ask you out. Like actually ask you out.

Her eye's are all puffy.

I sighed before climbing in bed next to her pulling her to my chest. I held onto her tightly. She snuggled into my chest making me smile.

I ran my fingers through her hair gently. Last thing I need to do is wake her up. After awhile I fell asleep with her in my arms.

A little later


Holy am I warm and comfortable. I took in a deep breath. Why does it smell like Fred? Meh I'm all warm.

I was fine until I heard a yawn. Cha Cha does not sound like that when she yawns. I opened my eyes to see a blurry Fred.

I panicked and sat up. "What are you doing" Fred said in a tired and deep voice. I quickly grabbed a pillow and put it over his face.

All I heard was a very mumbled "is this how you say good morning?" from him. "JUST GIVE ME A MINUTE." I said trying to calm down.

Why am I panicking so much. I took a breath and removed the pillow. Holy shit why does he have to be so hot. I quickly put the pillow back on his face.

Fred I think was tired of this because he flipped us so now he was hovering over me and I was under him. omg.

"No more of the pillow please" he said taking the pillow from my hands. "Why are you on my bed?" I said trying to change the subject.

"Lee said I made you cry so I felt bad." he said with a sad look on his face. I didn't say anything I just layed there. What was I supposed to say?

"I don't like him Freddie." I said wanting to clear the air a bit. All he did was lean down and snuggle his face into the crook of my neck.

Welp now I'm red.

For a moment I didn't do anything. I decided I would play with his hair. Why because I can.

I moved my hands to his hair and started to lightly scratch his head. Fred groaned into my neck. Shit.

I'll take that as he likes it so I continued to do the same motions. I did this for awhile until Ginny walked in. I turned my head to her.

I awkwardly smiled at her. She took her phone out taking a picture. I rolled my eyes at her. "Mom says breakfast is ready!" was all she said before running out of the room.

Fred once again groaned into my neck before standing up. I stood up grabbing my glasses. I put them on and Fred intertwined his fingers with mine.

I smiled and pulled him with me downstairs. Once we got to the bottom everyone's focus turned to us. I smiled before walking to the table and sitting down. Fred sat down next me considering I haven't let his hand go.

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