Keep Running

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I close the door continuously laughing. I start to calm down along with them.

I walk over to my bed laying down on my back. The three of them followed laying down around me.

"That was amazing" I said as I continued trying to get my breath back.

"It's been awhile since we've pulled a prank. That felt good." George says pulling Lee onto his chest.

I roll my eye's at there PDA.

I turn my head to make eye contact with Fred. He was staring deeply at me. He turns onto his side. I follow his action.

He moves in closer twords me. I feel myself panic a bit. I furrow my brows at him.

He smirks before moving closer to me. He moves his hand to slowly creep upon my waist pulling me into his chest.

I let out a tiny gasp when I come into contact of his chest.

He looks down on me as his hand starts to make small circles on my bare skin.

I gulp looking into those eyes.

Do I stop this or let him proceed?

"Stop working the mind of yours. Just relax okay?" he knew what I was thinking.

I get butterflies at the thought. He knew what I was thinking by looking at me.

I let a small smile and redness creep but I shove my face into his chest so he won't notice. I can feel his smirk on me as he puts his hand into my hair.

Playing with my curls is making me sleepy. I snuggle into him more taking in his scent.

If we're never to make it work. I want to be able to remember moments like this.

I feel his lips press against the top of my head. He lets his lips linger for a moment before pulling away.

I move up placing my face just under his chin. I move in placing my lips right under his chin. I softly pull away before snuggling back into him.

He tightened his grip on me.

Sometimes I'm happy about the effect I've let this ginger have on me. But sometimes I hate it equally as much.

I let out a sigh relaxing into him.

The door swings open. I shoot up panicked at the sudden noise.

I see the golden trio standing infront of me. I let my breaths steady. Before I look at them like they're insane.

"Okay before you get mad" Ron rambles out.

"We've figured something out." Hermione says looking a bit worried.

"It's about Lee and Lillith's parents.." Harry says sending look of worry.

I feel my heart drop as anger fills me.

"Get the fuck out of here with that shit." I said pulling myself off the bed to walk to my book shelf. Digging my nails into my palms.

"B-but you might want to know-"

"I don't want to hear SHIT about them." Lee cuts Harry off. He sits up with the same anger in him.

"W-well you don't know what they've done." Ron stammers.

I scoff before turning twords them.

"Yeah Ron? Maybe we don't but you want to know what we do know?" I said digging my nails deeper and feeling my blood pressure go up.

They all looked at me scared almost.

Except Lee.

"What we do know is that they are selfish pricks. NOTHING WAS EVER FUCKING GOOD ENOUGH." I yelled feeling tears of anger prick at my eye's.


I breath in and out closing my eyes.

"I don't know what kind of twisted bull shit you three are pulling. Or what this has to do with all of your conspiracy shit. But never do you ever bring that shit up to us." Lee said walking twords me but looking at the three.

"I have never been happier in my life since they left. And I'm keeping it that way." I say before shoving through the three and walking through my door.

I make sure I slam it on the way out. Just so that if they hadn't gotten the message before they bloody did now.

I walk out of the common room running down the stairs. As I'm walking I feel somones eyes on me. I look around.

I don't see anyone...

I feel the stare being more intense I start walking faster.

I feel my anxiety climbing.

Don't faint.

Don't faint.

I keep repeating to myself.

I feel more stares on me. I glance around only to see no one. I start jogging until I hear footsteps behind me.

I start to pick my speed up feeling them start to creep up.

They're sprinting. They're steps have gotten fast and closer. I sprint for it.

Feeling the tears stream down my face and my lungs scream for help. No one can hear me can they.

I keep running.

I feel my legs start to give out.

No, you can keep running Lillith.

Keep running.

Keep running.

Please keep running.

Who the fuck is chasing me. Why me.

I turn the corridor looking behind me. It's somone in a mask.

They're in a long cloak. They have started running even faster.


I turn another corridor before bumping into something hard.

I scream knowing it was the person that had been chasing me. The hands grap me pulling me into them.

No. This can't be how I die.

I start punching and screaming. I feel them cup my mouth with a cloth. I keep punching holding my breath.

I grab onto there wrist trying to get it off.

No, please no.

I see Fred running up to me and whoever the fuck is trying to kidnap me.

I feel my lungs give out and my head spinning. I feel myself collapse as everything goes black.

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