(1) excuse me

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Enjoy this chapter ❤️

y/f/b - your favorite book

y/f/p - your favorite pastry

y/n/n - your nickname


It was a regular Friday night after work. You usually went to Muggie's ( a book store cafe ) to relax after a long week. You loved everything about your work from testing microorganisms to doing research, but a lot of the time it was tiring. It was about 8:45 pm when you got to the book store. It was quite quiet because who else would be reading books at 9:00 pm other than yourself?

You were reading (y/f/b), drinking (coffee or tea) and eating a (y/f/p). You were too immersed in your book to realize there was a person standing right in front of you.

hoziers pov

I decided to take a stroll out in the city. The weather is beautiful and the moon is out.

As I'm walking around I come across a cafe called Muggie's.

I walk into the almost empty cafe. There is one other person. Though she looks completely immersed in her book.

I direct my attention back to the case of baked goods. Holy hell there are a lot of options.

"Hi welcome to Muggie's what can I get started for ya?"

"Uhm, hi, can I just have a croissant please?"

"Of course, would that be all for you tonight?"


"Alrighty that'll be $1.89 please."


"Thank you"

"No, thank you."

I observe the store some more just looking around, letting my eyes wander. Maybe I should get a book as well, though I have no idea where to start. I guess I'll just ask an employee.

I turn around to look for the employee that just helped me, but they are no where to be found.

Should I ask the lady at the table? She seems very focused and I wouldn't want to bother her or anything.

He stands there for a bit thinking of what to do. Thank God you are so immersed in your book because while he was thinking of what to do, he had been staring at you the whole time. Studying the way your locs were pulled up in a ponytail out of your face, and the way the moonlight made your skin glow.

Oh well it's not like she'll say no to helping me, hopefully...

end of pov

"Excuse me," he says politely.

....crickets 🦗 😐✋🏾

"Uhm excuse me," he says a bit louder.

You look up slowly from your book, "Oh god, I'm really sorry," you say apologetically and slightly embarrassed.
yeah we ain't turnin' red ❌🔴 😋☝🏾

He slightly chuckles, "It's alright I get it," a smile plastered on his face. "I was wondering if I could have this seat?"

"Oh yeah, of course you can take it," you say looking back down at your book.

"Uhm, heh, I meant can I sit here?" He say after looking down to see your stuff spread across the table.

You mentally kick yourself.

"Oh my god, yeah no, of course, sorry lemme move my stuff."

sorry abt the amount of yeah no's that are about to be in the story. i'm from the mid west :(

You scramble out of your seat to move your stuff.

After you're done, you present the seat like a game show host, to which the stranger chuckles.

"Thank you," He say.

"Of course!" You say with a smile.

"I should probably introduce myself, Hi I'm Andrew," he says in an Irish accent you are only now noticing.

"Hi I'm Y/N or Y/N/N for short, nice to meet you." He has a very familiar face but you just brush it off because you've probably seen him here before.

He noticed that you were still in your lab coat and asked you about it.

You looked down to see you forgot to take off your lab coat before leaving. Thank God you just did a bunch of research this week.

"Oh uhm, yeah , I'm a geneticist, hence the lab coat, uhm but I uh forgot to take it off after leaving the lab."

"Ohhh I see. Do you enjoy it?" He asks curiously.

You chuckled, "Yea most of the time, but this week I was just working on research."

"Damn that seems like a bummer. But anyway what book are you reading?"

"I'm reading (y/f/b)." You say as you show him the cover.

"Ah cool, uhm do you have any recommendations, it's my first time here?"

You gasp and get up dramatically.

"It's you're first time here? Oh my Lord; okay follow me," you say as your eyes light up. "Don't worry I'm not kidnapping you," you say with a grin as you look back at him.

He laughs and gets up starting to follow you.

this is the end of the first chapter and honestly not as bad as i thought it would be.
anyway i hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!!!

also would you prefer me to put the notes at the end or... yeah let me know

anyway see y'all next time!!

Cherry Wine (black!fem!reader x hozier)Where stories live. Discover now