(15) a sweet, love-able, Irishman

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hey yall!!! please let me know if you prefer longer or shorter chapters 🤧🙏🏾 

anyway, love yall 😮‍💨 and enjoy the chapter...


andrew's pov: 

**ring **ring

I stop helping to set up the arch way filled with flowers as my phone buzzes in my back pocket.

(something like one of those idk)

I look at the caller ID and see it's my manager

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I look at the caller ID and see it's my manager. 'Huh thats a bit odd' I think to myself. I didn't have any shows planned for a while, so it was weird that she was calling. But I pick up regardless. 

"Hey what's up Caroline," I said as I stepped away from the rest of my family. (Caroline Downey is Hozier's real manager)

"Are you dating someone Andrew?" she asked out of the blue.

"Uhm, no-no, I'm not, why?" I asked, thinking about the beautiful woman who had occupied my mind for the last couple weeks.

"Look at what I sent you. Andrew you can't be getting into scandals, especially not dating ones," Caroline said seriously, "It'll ruin your image."

I see the article with a picture of me and Y/N/N and a title reading 'Irish Sweetheart Hozier Spotted with Girl 'Straight Outta Compton'. I couldn't believe what I saw. I was fine with the tabloids gossiping about me, but talking about Y/N/N crossed the line. 

"Who posted this," I asked, ready to find the person and rip every single one of their fingers off. I'm usually not a possessive person, but after what happened with that prick Jason, I had become protective over Y/N.  

"Don't worry our PR team is taking care of it, but if you're going to continue whatever this is, please just don't get caught," Caroline asserted.

"Yeah, sorry about this whole thing. But, I, uhm, I have to go so I'll call you later," I said trying to remember today was a big day for my brother.

Then I realized if Y/N saw the article before I told her, she would probably hate me. (which could never be the case because she's wrapped around his finger and vice versa, but they don't know that... at least not yet 😔)

I call Y/N and let her know what happened. 

"Y/N," I said trying to not seem nervous, "have you seen it yet?"

I could tell she was taken aback when she asked, "What are you talking about?"

"I am so so sorry, I didn't want for you to get involved with all this, honestly its my-" I rambled as I tried to apologize for dragging her into this mess. 

She chuckled before saying, "Andrew, breathe. Whatever you're talking about surely can't be that bad."

Oh well she was about to find out. 

your pov:

You pulled up to the beautiful house you had been lucky to stay at for the duration of your trip. You were feeling a bit better because of the conversation and laughs that you had with Laurie during the drive. 

As Laurie was about to step out of the car, you stopped her saying, "Wait!" You quickly shot Andrew a text letting him know yall were there and he responded immediately after letting you know it was okay to come up. 

"Sorry it's a superstition that I have where you can leave the car at a certain time or you'll get bad luck, " you say quickly coming up with a lie that was convincing enough.  

She chuckles a little before saying, "Thanks for looking out for me." 

You guys walk into the living room and Jon is there, sitting on the couch in a nice suit. He gets up and takes Laurie's hand saying, "Hello my darling."

Laurie laughs a bit before asking, "What's going on."

While this was happening you snuck out to the back yard where the proposal was supposed to take place. Not even a minute later, Jon comes out with Laurie, covering her eyes as he tells her how much she means to him. 

He walked her up to the archway which had pictures of them throughout their relationship dangling. While the others were hiding and taking pictures, you were hiding and reading that stupid article. 

As you started to read, it talked about how Andrew was such a sweet, love-able, Irishman, which was all true, but before you could get to the part about you, Jon finally popped the question, "Laurie Walsh, the love of my life, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" 

hehe I love leaving yall on cliffhangers

anyway i hope you enjoyed this chapter. honestly I wrote this chapter pretty quickly, but i still like it quite a bit. 🥱 anyway love yall and i'll see you in the next one

word count: 750  

Cherry Wine (black!fem!reader x hozier)Where stories live. Discover now