(14) straight outta compton

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hey yall. I know I've been gone for like 100 eons, but I kind of lost motivation to write. I just felt like I wasn't really into the story anymore, but I feel more motivated so I'm gonna try again :)))

I've also been thinking about doing shorter chapters so it's easier for me to write and also there's no filler

But please let me know if you like shorter or longer chapters

anyhow, ENJOY THE CHAPTER!!!!!!!! :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------

"Y/N," Andrew said sounding kind of nervous, "have you seen it yet?"

You are kind of taking a back and ask, "What are you talking about?"

"I am so so sorry, I didn't want for you to get involved with all this, honestly its my-" Andrew rambles.

You chuckle before saying, "Andrew, breathe. Whatever you're talking about surely can't be that bad."

You hear your phone ding and Andrew tells you to look at what he sent you. You clicked on the link and saw it was an article about the "sightings" of him with you. In big, bold red text you see the header: 'Irish Sweetheart Hozier Spotted with Girl 'Straight Outta Compton'. European press, of course. (No hate to any of the European viewers. I just saw what they did to Megan Markle 🙁) You were gobsmacked to say the least.

"Did you read it?" Andrew asked in a soft voice that was almost a whisper.

"Only the title, but holy shit," you say with disbelief.

Laurie sees you look off so she asks, "Hey, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine," you say with the most genuine smile you could give at that moment. You couldn't ruin her engagement day. "Andrew we're on our way back right now," you say trying to gather yourself, "I'll let you know when we actually get there."

"Y/N, I am so sorry," he says once again.

"Andrew seriously, don't worry about it it's not your fault," you say truthfully. If anything it was your fault, you thought. You are hanging out with an A-List celebrity. Of course everyone's eyes are going to be on them and whomever they hang out with. You thought you should've been more conscious about being seen.

"Uh, well, everything here is ready so we'll just be waiting," he said somberly even though what he was talking about should be a happy thing to talk about.

"Alright, we'll see you guys." "Alright, bye," you say as you hang up the phone.

You and Laurie walk back to the car and she could see that your mood slightly changed so she stopped asking about you and Andrew. You try to not spoil the mood and you guys have a lovely conversation on the ride home, but in the back of your head the only thing you could think about was that article that you haven't even read.

hey hey

i think i figured out why i didn't like writing. I think it was because there really wasn't any conflict and the story was just a little flat. but then i came up with a perfect plot twist 😜. anyhow i think writing shorter chapters are easier, but ik how it be when an author only gives you five words and disappears for 10 years 🤕🙏🏾. so ill try, emphasis on try, not to leave yall high and dry. anway love yall and ill see you in the next one

word count: 465

also here is an apology meme for being gone for so long:

also here is an apology meme for being gone for so long:

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