(10) a honeymoon

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I haven't written in like a couple weeks cause school has been so hectic. Bruh i actually have so much shit to do,, but like yeah.  idk mane but as always...



Andrew's pov 

"Hey Mum," I said as Y/N sat on a rock to really enjoy the view, "Is everything okay." 

"Hi Andrew, I'm doing well. How are you holding up over there?" she asked. 

"I mean it's pretty different from over there but I still like it."

They talk for a while (time skip) 

"Well that's good," she pauses, "anyway I know you have to make it over here tomorrow, so I'll let you get some sleep before your flight." "Bye, Love you."

I was hit with the realization that I was supposed to have booked a flight for tomorrow for my brother's proposal to his girlfriend. I said I was going to do it Friday night, but that's when I met (Y/N/N) and well... I never got around to it.

"Yeah, love you too Mum," I said as she hung up.

"Shit," I whispered to myself.

"You okay," Y/N asks. 

"Yeah I'm fine," I say giving her a weak smile. I know she can tell something is definitely wrong, but I don't want to stress her out cause I know she would try to solve it. She gave me a look and I just had to tell her.

end of pov

You just looked at him for a second and laughed.

"Wow, thank you," he said mockingly.

You chuckled slightly but then an idea popped into your head. "Wait," you said as you grabbed your phone. You had a plan. Andrew looked at you like you were insane, but you waved him off.

Your cousin was a flight attendent and with that you got benefits and such. You were praying she'd be able to help. 

<<<time skip>>>

"Dude thank you so much, I for real owe you one." "okay." "Love you too." "Bye."

You walk back to Andrew trying to contain your smile.

"What did you do?" he asks suspiciously seeing as though you are smiling like a kid in a candy shop.

You chuckle a bit, "Nothing. Well something, but nothing bad."

He gave you a look signaling as for you to go on. 

"We are going to Ireland!" you said practically jumping up and down. 

Andrew stood there for a minute, "Your joking." 

You shook your head and next thing you know you were up in the air. Andrew lifted you up and hugged you. 

"Thank you so so so so much," he says smiling into your neck.

"Of course, though we should probably get going as we have to be at the airport in like 7 hours," you said as he gently put you down. 

You guys walked down the path to get back to your car and Andrew started to drive back to his place. 

You started looking around at the unfamiliar area. "Uhh, are we going on another adventure? I mean I'm down," you say as you look at him.

He chuckles a bit, "No, I thought that I would just drop myself off and start packing, but I can drop you off first if you'd like."

"Okay, I see you big brain Andrew," you say as you laugh.

Cherry Wine (black!fem!reader x hozier)Where stories live. Discover now