(4) a knock at the door

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I honestly feel like i'm not writing much,,but idk. I'm averaging like 850 words but yeah.
Anyway enjoy the chapter!!!!!

hoziers pov

"Goodness this bed is super small," he said as he closed the bedroom door.

He got on the bed and his shins and below were hanging off of the bed. He tried to get some sleep, but it just wasn't working.

He sighs saying, "I really don't want to wake her,
but I can't fall asleep."

He gets up from his bed and walks to your room. He takes a deep breath in.

end of pov

You hear knocking at your door and you get up. You open the door to see Andrew standing there. You were cold and tired but you remembered that you told him that he could call you whenever if he needed anything.

"Is everything okay," you say concerned.

"Uhm, I'm really sorry to wake you up, but the bed in the guest room is too small for me," he said with an apologetic tone.

"Shit, yeah that makes sense. Uhm, You can sleep with me if you'd like, I'm pretty sure my bed is bigger anyway," you say still in a groggy state.

"I really don't want to cause anymore trouble, I was just going to sleep on the couch."

"I really don't mind and plus the couch really isn't comfortable to sleep on."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," you say with a smile on your face. You really did appreciate the fact that he made sure you were comfortable.

You walked back to your bed while he closed the door and then followed. You both got into bed and faced each other.

"Goodnight," you say as you close your eyes.


You both fell asleep.

Sometime during the night you start getting closer to each other until you are fully nuzzled into his chest. He wakes up to a feeling of warmth around his chest and sees that you are cuddled into him. He chuckles softly. Not really knowing what to do, he puts his arm around you and falls back asleep.

You wake up a little bit after he went back to bed to find yourself wrapped in his arms. You felt safe and warm in his arms, and honestly you liked it. A lot. Your eyes started to feel heavy again, and with that, you fell asleep.

>>time skip 🚗😁

You wake up in an empty bed. You were sad he left, but you didn't blame him.

You get yourself out of bed and your teeth, wash your face, etc.

"Should I call him and thank him for last night," you think to yourself. "Yeah i'll call him when I get downstairs."

You open your bedroom door and walk down the stairs. The smell of food wafts throughout your house. You didn't think about it though and got on your phone to call Andrew.

Your phone rings, but you hear another phone's ringtone. Your head shoots up as you see Andrew with your apron on, cooking. Your lips slowly curve into a smile.

Andrew picks up the phone, smiling, as he looks at you saying, "Hello?"

You hang up the phone and continue walking down the stairs.

"Good morning," you say as you walk to him.

"Good morning," he says with a huge smile on his face.

"I- you, I thought you left. You also didn't have to make breakfast, I could've done it. " You felt guilty that your guest made you breakfast while you were sleeping peacefully.

Andrew could tell that you felt guilty about it. "It was really no problem. Plus, you seemed tired from the long work week you endured."

You couldn't help but smile. He look adorable in your apron and the food looked really good.

You hugged him out of pure joy, mumbling in his neck, "Thank you."

He looked down at you with happiness all over his face. He hugged you back and said, "Of course."

"Alright I'm hungry," you say jokingly as you pull away from the hug.

Andrew chuckles and he walks to the cabinets to get the plates. He plates the eggs, pancakes and, bacon that he made.

"Holy hell are you like a Michelin star chef or something." You ask as you bring the plates to the kitchen island.

Andrew laughs and says, "Yeah actually I taught Gordon Ramsay."

"I'm surprised there's no lamb sauce," you say with a little giggle as you walk to the cupboard to get two cups. Your comment earns a small chuckle from Andrew. "What do you want to drink? There's water, orange juice, cranberry juice, etcetera."

"I'll drink whatever you're going to drink," he says.

"I guess you'll be drinking deez nutz," you say with a big smile on your face.

He laughs and says, "Yummy."

You giggle and ask, "Is water okay?"

"It sounds better than your nuts, so yes."

You smile to yourself as you fill the two glasses with ice and water. You walk to the island and set them down. You sit down next to Andrew and thank him once more for making breakfast.

"What time did you get up to make this," you ask because it was around 7:25 a.m. and that was pretty early.

"Hmm, maybe 6:55 or so, nothing too crazy," he said nonchalantly.

You looked at him like he was insane. "How the actual fuck are you able to function that well and make breakfast."

He chuckles a bit. "I'm used to not getting a lot of sleep anyway. Actually, last night was probably the best and longest sleep I've gotten this week."

You sent him a sympathetic look. You were happy that he enjoyed cuddling with you last night, but you were concerned that he got his best sleep of the night which was only 7 hours. You guys continued talking during breakfast. After breakfast, you insisted on washing the dishes by yourself, but Andrew was keen on helping you.

"Okay. How about we play rock, paper, scissors. If I win, you have to relax and if you win, you can help me and not relax," you propose.






holy fuck I just wrote 1,013 words. 🏃🏾‍♀️ALSO IM SO PISSED OFF. OKAY SO I ACTUALLY ALREADY WROTE THIS CHAPTER. I CHECK ON MY PHONE TO SEE IT IT WOULD SAVE AND GUESS WHAT. IT WAS GONE. dont worry tho its pretty much the same. and you got more words :))) so i hope you enjoyed this chapter

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